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Nov. 9th, 2011


WHO: AU!Sirius Black and Lily Luna Potter
WHAT: A confrontation.
WHEN: Early this morning.
WHERE: Main Streets
RATING: Medium at the moment, but might develop.

He wasn’t one to play with the same toy twice. )

Sep. 23rd, 2011


Who: Lily Luna Potter and Severus Snape.
What: Severus agreed to let Lily help him find the flats.
Where: The library, then the flats.
When: After this conversation.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

Hugo had often teased her when they were younger, saying that it was a wonder she hadn't ended up in Hufflepuff, what with how often she forgot to be smart and tried to help everyone she met...even when they didn't even need it. )

Oct. 17th, 2010


Who: Lily Luna Potter and Severus Snape.
What: Snape needed even more of a guilt complex.
Where: Their lab.
When: Last night after Hannah and Snape went on their body-finding adventure.
Rating: PG-13 for minor violence and character death.
Status: Complete.

Unsure of what to do, she just leaned against the wall and started to cry softly to herself. )

Sep. 4th, 2010


WHO: Anyone invited to Ted and Victoire's Wedding [plus any guests and crashers]
WHAT: Ted and Victoire's wedding reception.
WHEN: About 7:30PM [just after the wedding]
WHERE: The park
NOTES: Everyone feel free to branch off into subthreads within this main thread, as folks are liable to wander and mingle during a reception. And yes, party crashers are welcome. Just don't cause too much of a stir or you risk the wrath of the bride and groom and their extended family. ;)

the wedding went off without a hitch )

Aug. 9th, 2010


Who: Lily and Scorpius.
What: Questionable drunken decision-making.
Where: The house where the party (not Claire's) took place.
When: Last night.
Rating: TBD.
Status: Incomplete.

She was probably a little drunk, but nobody needed to know that. )