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May. 20th, 2011


WHO: Eames and Dream
WHAT: Does Morpheus approve of Somnacin? Enquiring minds wanna know.
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Morpheus' flat
STATUS: In Progress

Eames didn't like feeling nervous )
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Apr. 18th, 2011


Who: Ariadne, Arthur, Eames and Morpheus
What: Breaking Eames’ fever, the unorthodox way.
Where: Eames’ head. Again.
When: Following on from this, March 13th. I am catching up on myself!
Rating: confused
Note: Danny looks uncannily like teenage!Huck! How odd. Hmmm.

Ariadne found herself starting to melt into Arthur rather than bumping against him )

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Who: Eames and Morpheus
What: Teatime!
When: Last night after this
Where: Sixth floor corridor, Building A.

Tea and Jaffa cakes can cure most things that ail you. Proven fact. )
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Mar. 31st, 2011


WHO: Ariadne, Eames, Sirius Black and Morpheus
WHEN: Backdated like whoa, to 27th January, evening, after these messages.
WHAT: Sweet dreams ‘til sunbeams find you, etc etc
WHERE: Eames’ head. FUN.
NOTES: Visual aids included at the end of the thread.

I’ll keep you safe, pet, don’t you worry! )

Mar. 12th, 2011


Who: Neria and Dream.
What: A meeting between an Endless and a mage who has caught his attention.
Where: The Dreaming/Fade.
When: Night.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

She knew how sly the spirits of the Fade could be but, on the whole, she found that she trusted this being )

Dec. 22nd, 2010


Who: Dream & Phillipa
What: Sugarplums, fairies, and other things that are so not scary.
When: Thursday afternoonish?
Where: Outside, the courtyard of the apartment complexes or thereabouts.
Warnings: Cuteness & fluff. With some mistletoe on top.

Dec. 3rd, 2010


Who: Eames, Morpheus
What: Delivering artwork
When: Not long after this (1st December)
Where: Morpheus's flat

Of course, he was now missing a breadbin )
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Nov. 19th, 2010


who: Merlin | Multiple
what: On a bit of a rampage
where: Building C and beyond.
when: friday evening

May Gandalf Protect You. )

Nov. 17th, 2010


Who: fox!Dream, Lt. Eames, & Ariadne
What: Dream-sharing
When: Wednesday night
Where: Dreamspace
Warnings: tbd

Oct. 19th, 2010


WHO: Dream & OPEN
WHAT: Yawns
WHEN: Nowish?

A somnambulist with a camcorder. )

Sep. 29th, 2010


WHO: Morpheus & Mr Eames.
WHAT: Sharing dreams.
WHEN: Wendesday night-ish
WHERE: The Dreaming. Or maybe Eames' subconscious. Let's see if he can spot the difference?

Mr. Sandman, bring me a Dream... )