April 2013




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Apr. 14th, 2013


Who: Sookie and Open
When: 04/15/13
Where: outside The Bookshop
What: going to buy books and bursts into song
Warnings: TBD

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Sookie and Lizzy
When: 03/04/13
Where: On the streets of Colligo
What: taking a walk
Warnings: Alludes to child molestation, could trigger

Nov. 1st, 2012


Who: Melinda and Sookie
When: Thursday evening
Where: Their apartment
What: Roommate hanging time....movies, pie, and Chinese food
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

Roommate Bonding Time! )


who | Annie Wheaton and OPEN
what | Now that the city is back to "normal", Annie decides to go for a walk.
when | Morning; November 1st.
where | Streets of Colligo.
rating | TBD
status | In Progress

she didn't exactly know where she was going )

Oct. 13th, 2012


WHO: Justin Taylor, Buffy Summers and Sookie Stackhouse
WHAT: Having a smoke outside the communal building
WHEN: Friday, October 12th, Evening
WHERE: Outside the communal building
RATING: PG. Possibly PG-13 for language?
STATUS: In Progress

It had been almost a week now since Justin had woken up on an uncomfortable, little cot )

Sep. 16th, 2012


Who:Malkom Slaine & Open
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: Library
What: Very angry Venom finding out he has become an outcast again.
Status:In progress

Only betray me once )

Aug. 4th, 2012


Who: Melinda and Sookie (NPC a young woman to help get Melinda to the hospital)
Where: Pie Shop to begin with and then around Colligo
When: Saturday evening
What: Melinda hallucinates being chased by a demon and almost dies (her fear is getting killed by a demon like her grandmother and Aunt Prue)
Status/Rating: Incomplete/R
Warnings: Language, fighting and almost death (if someone can get her to the hospital on time or heal her fast enough)

(OOC: Melinda isn't going to get hurt just quite yet. Thought someone would want to help her and she would freak out a little bit, then make it seem like she can't breathe cause she's being choked or maybe the demon beats her up and then she becomes unconscious in front of that person)

This was not happening!!! )


Open Thread

Who: Sookie and Open
When: 08/04/12
Where: the Roadhouse
What: applying for a job
Warnings: TBA

Jan. 17th, 2012


WHO: Sookie Stackhouse, Crowley
WHAT: Sookie is ready for a few moments of alone time after two weeks of being stuck with someone else
WHEN: January 17, 6pm
STATUS: In Progress
Nothing can go wrong at a job interview... right? )

Jan. 15th, 2012


WHO: Sookie Stackhouse
WHAT: Sookie is ready for a few moments of alone time after two weeks of being stuck with someone else
WHEN: January 15, After midnight
WHERE: 609 D
STATUS: In Progress
After weeks of being physically bound to a complete stranger, Sookie stumbles back to her room in hopes of having a night of peace and quiet. )

Dec. 21st, 2011


WHO: Sookie Stackhouse
WHAT: Sookie is tossed from the library and realizes she's not in Bon Temps anymore.
WHEN: December 21st; Afternoon
STATUS: In Progress
Sookie finds herself in a whole new place. Disoriented and confused, she searches to find a friendly/familiar face to ask for help. )