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Dec. 28th, 2012


Who: Gabriel, Loki, and Emma.
What: A daring rescue. Or...a snarky rescue.
Where: Where Emma was fighting Weeping Angels.
When: Right after this.
Rating: PG-13 at least for Gabriel's mouth.
Status: In-progess.

Do you sit in a corner and write angsty poetry, while whining that nobody understands you? Just curious. )

Oct. 7th, 2012


Who: Gabriel and Emma.
What: An archangel and an amazon bonding.
Where: The park.
When: Backdated to before the plot ended.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

He had learned that, though they were simple creatures, they had some good ideas. Like chocolate ice cream. That was a very good idea. )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Who: Gabriel and Jade.
What: Hanging out and being domestic.
Where: Their flat.
When: Afternoon.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

He didn't come all the way into the room, worried she might throw a shoe at his head or something. )
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Dec. 20th, 2011


WHO: Number Six & Stephanie Brown [with a guest cameo from Gabriel]
WHAT: Six decides to do a bit of exploring. As per usual, trouble seems to find her.
WHERE: The Serpent's Den
STATUS: In Progress

Six was not happy about being randomly transported to another planet that she couldn't leave. )

Nov. 26th, 2011


Who: Gabriel and Jade.
What: Being dead. And other things.
Where: The void where people go when they die.
When: Right after Jade was killed by Lucifer. [Backdated]
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
Status: Complete.

Did you at least manage to hide my porn before you died? This is serious. There's a lot of it. )
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Sep. 7th, 2011


WHO: Claire Winchester & Alastair [w/ appearances by Dean Winchester & The Archangel Gabriel]
WHAT: Alastair wants to make a lasting impression. Oh, and the locals blew up Claire's demon traps.
WHERE: The remains of Claire's video store
WHEN: August 29th [Backdated]

His arrival couldn’t have been more fortuitous. The city seemed to be falling into chaos, and chaos was something that he thrived on. Especially when it shattered whatever defenses had been keeping him at bay and gave him the perfect opportunity that he had been waiting for. )

Jul. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Parker and Gabriel
WHAT: A discussion about Christmas in July. With these two there is no telling.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: A giant gingerbread house in the park. Yes, I am completely serious. What? You're surprised?
STATUS: In Progress

Parker had taken to building snowballs to toss at the neighbourhood bullies... )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Who: Gabriel and Aziraphale
What: Brotherly advice
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The ineffable bookshop

Nov. 18th, 2010


Who: Cas and Gabriel
When: Wednesday night
Where: Cas' apartment
What: The watch
Rating: Medium for adult themes.
Status: Incomplete, closed

Flowers for Gabriel. )

Nov. 1st, 2010


WHO: Jade and Gabriel
WHAT: A post-death reunion and chat.
WHEN: [Backdated] Shortly after this; 2PM.
WHERE: The gazebo beside the lake.
RATING: Totally kid-friendly.
STATUS: Complete. Closed.

It was all authentic, for better or worse. )

Oct. 30th, 2010


Who: Jo Harvelle & Gabriel
When: After this
Where: Complex/lake
Rating: TBD
Status Incomplete

she didn't know where she stood )


Who: Gabe and Castiel [info]angelofnowhere
What: A meeting of brothers friends
When: Friday morning, 11am
Where: A cafe near the Roadhouse
Warnings: TBD

Sep. 1st, 2010


WHO: Gabriel and Jade
WHAT: A reunion.
WHEN: Not long after this.
WHERE: A diner near the Grand Library.
RATING: TBD [language and mentions of adult themes at the very least]
STATUS: In Progress [likely slow going]

She had picked a bad time to try and cut back on the drugs. )
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Jun. 5th, 2010


WHO: Claire Bennet, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Loki, and Lucifer (in no particular order)
WHAT: Dealing with the Devil once and for all.
WHEN: Nighttime
WHERE: Harvelle's
STATUS: In Progress
NOTES: Due to Real Life eating a few of the players involved, this thread is going to be very slow-moving. However, this is the thread where Lucifer is going to die which means he will not be around for anything posted after this thread.

The Devil is in the details. )

Jun. 1st, 2010


Who: Gabriel, Sam and Claire.
What: Discussing an epic plan of epicness.
Where: The secret apartment of secretness.
When: Nowish.
Rating/Status: TBD / In progress.

So that's the plan )

May. 26th, 2010


Who: Loki, Gabriel, and Michael.
What: Three angels discussing bringing down Lucifer.
Where: Loki's apartment.
When: Nowish.
Rating: R for Language.
Status: Complete. Why yes, this is only three comments, but could you improve on this? I don't think so.

So, that's the plan. )

May. 24th, 2010


WHO: Adam Young and Castiel (open to Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Claire Bennet, and Gabriel)
WHAT: Adam stops by for a visit.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: Apartment #401D
STATUS: In Progress

Adam, to be frank, was tired of having everything that he'd come to consider good about Colligo slowly but surely stripped away from him. )

May. 19th, 2010


WHO: Claire Bennet and Gabriel
WHAT: Chatting and ice cream.
WHEN: After this and this.
WHERE: The rooftop of Apartment Building A.
STATUS: In Progress

It wasn't as therapeutic as falling head-first into the pavement below but she supposed it would have to do. )

May. 13th, 2010


[ part two of two ]

WHO: God and: Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Aziraphale, and Loki
WHAT: Before leaving Colligo, the Almighty pays a visit to each of her angels, individually.
WHEN: From Sunday (Mother's Day) to Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Various locations around the city
RATING: PG-13 (language, mostly)
STATUS: Complete; logs
NOTES: Part two of two. Part one can be found here.

There were going to be events taking place in her absence that were going to test the faith of even her most devout. )


[ part one of two ]

WHO: God and: Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Aziraphale, and Loki
WHAT: Before leaving Colligo, the Almighty pays a visit to each of her angels, individually.
WHEN: From Sunday (Mother's Day) to Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Various locations around the city
RATING: PG-13 (language, mostly)
STATUS: Complete; logs
NOTES: Part one of two. Part two can be found here.

The time had almost come for God to depart from Colligo... )

Apr. 26th, 2010


WHO: Kali and Gabriel
WHAT: The Goddess arrives.
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: Outside the Grand Library
RATING: TBD (probably fairly high for language, sexual situations, and killing of NPCs)
STATUS: In Progress

She would lay this entire city to waste... )

Apr. 25th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel and Loki
WHAT: Brotherly bonding. At least, as close to it as you can get with these two.
WHEN: Nighttime, following this and this.
WHERE: A strip club.
RATING: TBD (there will definitely be language and mentions of other adult themes)
STATUS: In Progress

After spending as much time as he had with only a Grigori for company, Loki wasn't sure that he remembered how to just unwind and have a good time. )