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Jan. 13th, 2013


WHO: Neria Surana and Loki Laufeyson
WHAT: Neria has finally come back and Loki finally mans up.
WHEN: January 13.
WHERE: Their apartment.
STATUS: Placeholder for now

This is a placeholder. Something will be here soon. )

Oct. 8th, 2012


WHO: Claire Winchester Bennet and OPEN TO ALL
WHAT: Waking up in a strange location with a lot of other, equally confused, people.
WHEN: Start of the plot.
WHERE: The communal building where everyone is staying.
STATUS: In Progress [likely never officially completed - see notes below]
NOTES: Okay, so since everyone is going to be waking up in the same place, it made sense to have a thread where people could do just that (wake up, freak out, whatever). That's what this is. If you want to tag in, feel free to do so. Characters can reply to Claire, or start their own sub-thread that others can reply to as well. They can jump from conversation to conversation, if that's what they might do in this situation, or freak out and run off, or whatever you'd like. Obviously, there's no real ending to this sort of thread, but the point is more to let people react than reaching any real conclusion. And, of course, if you want your character to attack another or whatnot, then please do check with the appropriate player(s) as you normally would. Seriously, though, just have fun with this. Enjoy!

her first inclination was to scream )

Aug. 13th, 2012


WHO: Loki Laufeyson & Neria Surana
WHAT: Loki goes to the magic shop to inform Willow & Tara of his return to strength and ends up meeting someone new.
WHEN: August 13th; Afternoon
WHERE: Something Wicca This Way Comes
STATUS: In Progress

Being returned to himself was quite the adjustment for Loki to make. )

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Who: Glory and Neria.
What: A public service announcement on why it’s dangerous to talk to hell gods strangers.
Where: A street in Colligo.
When: Evening.
Rating: TBD. Prolly not kid friendly.
Status: In progress.

And she had thought her life was becoming dull. No such luck. )

Apr. 25th, 2011


Who: Gwen and Neria
What: Neria always wants to check in on Gwen and Abigail. Now she is.
Where: Gwen's flat
When: Just after lunch time
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress.

Mother, Daughter and friend who looks scarily like the Aunt being avoided )

Apr. 12th, 2011


Who: Neria and Anders.
What: Neria remembers things. Namely Andersy things.
Where: Anders's flat.
When: Late evening.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

I just...wanted to do that for more than a year. )

Apr. 5th, 2011


WHO: Anders and Neria Surana
WHAT: The Collector's latest trick has worn off and Justice has come home.
WHERE: Anders' flat.
WHEN: Night the plot ends

Honey, I'm home. )

Mar. 25th, 2011


Who: Neria and Zevran/Justice.
What: Neria is not especially pleased with a certain Fade spirit.
Where: Zevran's flat.
When: Evening.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

It would seem that we need to have a discussion about just what sort of behaviour is acceptable regarding my companions )

Mar. 14th, 2011


Who: Neria and Anders.
What: Talking about serious business.
Where: Neria's flat.
When: After this.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

She wasn't sure what it was really, but she felt a kinship with him. )

Mar. 12th, 2011


Who: Neria and Dream.
What: A meeting between an Endless and a mage who has caught his attention.
Where: The Dreaming/Fade.
When: Night.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

She knew how sly the spirits of the Fade could be but, on the whole, she found that she trusted this being )

Jan. 29th, 2011


Who: Neria and Gwaine.
What: A mage walks into a bar...
Where: The bar where Gawain works.
When: Evening.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

It was not often that Neria visited pubs. )