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May. 10th, 2011


WHO: A local NPC bomber, some locals, and vague mentions of a handful of played characters.
WHAT: An explosion.
WHERE: The clinic.
RATING: PG (for mentions of death and destruction)
STATUS: Complete; narrative
NOTES: This is part of a gamewide plot tying in with the elections. The mayor was given information on Peter Fleming and opted with this plan to best use the information to his advantage. If your character could have likely been at or near the clinic, feel free to have them there if you'd like.

it was an average, busy day at the clinic )


WHO: The Mayor & The Collector
WHAT: The Mayor is behind in the polls. Something has to be done.
WHEN: May 10th; Evening
WHERE: The Mayor's Office

'Or they won't care. In fact, it's more likely they won't care. I have programmed them not to, after all.' )

Oct. 21st, 2010


Who: Azazel, Castiel and open to Dean Winchester and unfortunately Lucifer and Elaine.
When: After this flirty little mess. Before Zombie plot ends.
Where: Old factory, down town
What: Castiel actually believes he can kill Azazel.
Rating: Medium for possible violence and even more possible bad flirting
Status: Incomplete, closed

The sentence is all my own, and the price is to watch it fail. )

Aug. 19th, 2009


Mini-Event #01 - Fire

It started in the middle of the night, around two o'clock when most were already asleep. That was when the obedient servant of The Collector heard his master's call and slid out of bed and into his shoes. Where the lighter clutched in his fingers came from, he didn't know, nor did he know how he suddenly became in possession of the canister of gasoline he held in the other. Without bothering to dress properly for venturing outdoors at this hour, the nameless, faceless man who looked like an ordinary, average joe citizen who could do no harm, left his home and began walking along the empty streets of Colligo. Few were still out and those that were paid him little attention -- they were all like him, after all, there to serve a purpose, to take up space and mimic a human being The Collector had studied and achieve; a near perfect copy of the specimen to mingle with the real samplings that he'd gathered from across time and space. His mind was not entirely his own and thus, he did as he was told.

Only when he came to the front steps of Building B did the man stop, tilting his head back to stare up at it's many floors. There were people within, people who were valuable to The Collector, but his master wanted to see just how clever they were, how much their mortality meant to them when threatened. This, as crude as it was, was a good way to test that. A very good way.

Humming an off-key tune that sounded eerily similar to London Bridge is Falling Down, the man splashed the steps and sides of the building with the gasoline, moving indoors to spread the last of it on the floor of the deserted lobby. It was there that he sparked the lighter to life and there that he bent down to place it with his own hand into the pool of gasoline at his feet.

Building B burned. Would everyone get out? Would someone get hurt?

"That," The Collector mused, "is yet to be determined. And part of the fun."

1. While there are clues (for those who know how to investigate such things) that the fire was caused by arson, there is no proof that it was an NPC.

2. All characters housed in Building B will be automatically relocated to the same rooms, across town, in Building D. Any changing of rooms/roommates/etc. will need to be posted in the housing post so we will know to change them on the lists.

3. If you wish to have your character injured during the fire, that is allowed. However, we ask that you keep it both realistic, and the injuries as minor as possible. Should you like to do a severe injury/plot of some sort, please contact the mods.

4. Items will be lost in the fire. Obviously PDAs will not (or if they are, a new one will be waiting for the character when they arrive in their new room). Clothing, food, knick-knacks, toiletries, etc. are all optional as to how much was lost/damaged.

5. Again, just to reiterate. No one knows who committed the fire. The only two people who know are the Collector and the NPC. As one is not directly in the city and the other is now dead, clearly they aren't speaking.

6. For this mini-event, all threads pertaining to the fire are to take place within this post. Feel free to do sub-threads rather than one large thread, if you'd like, but please do not post anything else to [info]colligo_threads that covers the fire itself. Characters from other Buildings can also join in, if they'd like, to help those in Building B or simply observe what's going on, etc. No one is required to thread of course. If you'd rather, simply use [info]colligo_network to discuss what items were lost, the character's status, whatever. And as always, have fun!!

Apr. 20th, 2009



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