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Jun. 25th, 2018


[Wanda Maximoff (616) and Hope Summers]
Two things.

The Erik that is here is starting to see Anka Irene. Their first meeting went well. I ain't sur We'll see how they keep going. I ain't sure what you're wanting to do with him, Hope.

And are y'all wanting to go on a vacation together or no?


WHO: Anka Irene, Erik Lehnsherr, & Rogue (616)
WHERE: Tumbleweed, TX: X-Mansion: Yard
WHEN: June 22nd, 2018 (Backdated)
WHAT: Rogue lets Erik meet Anka Irene for the first time.
WARNINGS: Looots of awkwardness.
STATUS: Complete

And then she teleported in a burst of blue smoke just like the creature could. )

Jun. 24th, 2018


First an Elf. Now I've got one of the Fae proclaiming his love for me.

Anyone know how to turn one down without offending them?

Jun. 19th, 2018


WHO: Rogue and Erik Lehnsherr
WHEN: let's go with yesterday
WHERE: woods out the back of the X-mansion
WHAT: Apparently you need to have a reason to do something nice for someone.

That beard looks ridiculous on you )


I want to meet her, if you'll permit it.

Jun. 10th, 2018


[Filtered to parents/guardians of young children]

I've noticed that there's quite a few of us with young kids in the infant to preteen range. I know that some of us have been here for awhile, but some, like my family, haven't been here very long, and as a result, don't really have much in terms of friends for our children, or a support group of other parents.

Has anyone ever talked of maybe forming a parents and kids group? Like, the parents hang out and talk about our lives or whatever, while the kids all play together? We meet up at maybe different houses or go on outings together, like to museums and the zoo, have cookouts, things like that. Maybe parents who've been around for awhile can give tips to other Displaced parents, and our kids have a group of friends that are in similar situations to theirs.

If other parents wanted to, I certainly wouldn't object to forming a group like this. It'd be nice to have a support group of other parents and it would be nice for my kids to have some friends around their age who are also in the same situation that they are.

Jun. 9th, 2018


I just wanted to say thanks to those who were able to come out today and a real big old thanks to Napoleon and everyone who was able to help him with set up. Ya made for one real happy one year old today.

Not IC Cut/Just a picture )

[Eliot and Kylo Ren]
Is next Wednesday good for coming to spend some time with the kitten?

Jun. 7th, 2018


Say a girl got plans for a space station from Santa. Anyone interested in helping her make that space station a reality?

See, I'm asking others for help so back off Charle

[OOC: Rogue won't be responding to anything else as Betsy has knocked Rogue's spiraling self out]

Jun. 5th, 2018


I need a recommendation for a vacation spot. Any suggestions?

The party is coming to you and Anka Irene. If you have any serious objections, now is the time to make them.

I need your help.

Miss Anka Irene's birthday party was suppose to be for this Saturday. I'm afraid Rogue's not going to be comfortable having it here in Texas any longer because of He Who Must Not Be Named. So the party's going to go to her. I need some assistance moving all the necessary items out there and to help decorate.

Jun. 3rd, 2018


Erik's back.

He don't remember being here before.

If'n ya need me, don't.

We'll be back whenever I'm good and ready.


WHO: Rogue (616) and Magneto (movies)
WHEN: earlier this afternoon
WHERE: the base and then outside of it
WHAT: the worst reunion ever
WARNINGS: May cause sadness

So much for happy reunions )


Network post.

If this is some sort of new experiment it’s a bad one.

I can’t even imagine why in the world they’d be letting us talk to each other and use our powers.

Jun. 2nd, 2018


Cut for spoilers to Gotham season 4 finale )

May. 31st, 2018


{EPS Staff, EPS Seniors, Their Guardians/Parents, Road Trip Supervisors}

[filtered against Scott Summers & Jean Grey
Yes, yes. Emma, you've just done this, calm down little lambs, this is a different kind of announcement.

Following some thought, and my desire to never have to sleep in a cabin ever or be on a bus of hormonal teenagers, we're shaking things up a little.

On June 18th, while our illustrious leader is preparing for the birth of his child, who will most likely be named after at least one dead person (I'm taking bets), we will be departing Tumbleweed on a luxury airplane. Yes that's right, no bus. We're also not going to the back roads of the most boring road trip ever, it's Senior year, you're all becoming adults, it's a passing of time.

We will land in Florida, arrive at Disney's Beach Club Villas where every three students will require one adult to stay with them. We will then spend the week enjoying the full range of Disney's parks and amenities, including the Animal Kingdom, the Lagoon water parts and Epcot, before flying back home relaxed and ready to graduate into adulthood.

I do understand Mr Summers already took names and sign ups, and that supervisors came forward for the trip, however, given the rather extensive change in plans, I would understand if people wished to withdraw no, I wouldn't. If I could get a quick head count on who is going (if you weren't previously going but now would like to, please say so) and the chaperones?

EDITED TO ADD: Unless of course you really want to go with the original plan. In which case, Mr Potter has gallantly agreed to take you. To stare at rocks. And trees. Yay. ¬.¬

[Ellie, Quentin]
Florida Disney Parks, do you want to go?

[Rogue (616)]
Don't tell him, okay, I want to see if his head explodes

May. 29th, 2018


[Senior Class Trip; students going & accompanying adults, (& Rogue and Scott)]
Thanks to an injection of wealth, we're taking a luxury coach on this ridiculously long road trip through the ass end of the country. Extra leg room, cozy seats, massage backs.

I've also upgraded the hotel. It was a darling place Scott, but I need more incentive to not just brain blast this trip through everyone and just hit Disneyland.


Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ You have any plans for the summer? Doing anything exciting?
[Scott Summers added in later]

May. 25th, 2018


[Scott Summers]
I got asked about adding some sort of combat training class to the school. Considering how many times we keep getting thrown into various battles and the kids all dealing with the deaths of their friends I reckon its a good idea. I know it ain't practical to go adding something like this until next school year, but I was thinking maybe we could offer something up in the summer to for them.

CPR, combat medicine, survival training in a few different environments even. And then possibly add in some combat training for those with powers and not, and for all of them working together.


May. 24th, 2018


[Texts to Napoleon Solo]
--Question for ya

May. 22nd, 2018


Reyes and Jones! I told you not to mess with that blackhole!

May. 23rd, 2018


I've never seen this shield before in my life, but it feels very familiar. It feels like Logan.

May. 20th, 2018


[ Rogue (616) & Scott Summers ]
I have circumstantially found myself the guardian of an overly-enthusiastic teenage boy who seems far too eager to begin school here. I'm assuming the name Peter Parker rings a bell.

I gather that the school year is almost over. Can he, I don't know, audit the last couple of weeks to get the lay of the land and enroll officially in the fall? He tells me he'll be a junior.


ROGUE (616)
So I made teleporter bracelets for your island thing. Only I haven't figured out what everyone is gonna want them to look like. Right now they just look like leather bracelets or they're invisible. I don't really want to make a million of them looking all the same, but a million specially customized ones is a headache too, so... that's the only part I need to figure out, is what I'm saying.

And what's your plan for getting them to new people who might not know immediately about the island? I can make them so they can't be used by anyone looking to hurt the island or the people or dinosaurs on it, so I guess I could just make a bunch and give them to you or Fort Neill. Or whatever.

Looks like Quidditch is a bigger thing than you were expecting it to be. You think you're gonna need more brooms?

I guess you can tell the people running it that I made them, in case they have any problems with them, but ask them not to advertise it. Even though it's not really a secret anymore. Also if they're gonna be asking me for more shit then I better get something out of it.



As you may or may not know, The Pit has been under construction for some time now. Due to the delay caused by our Ocean Cruise, we've just recently finished construction on our dedicated Quidditch Pitch and are almost ready to received visitors.

We will be opening our doors, so to speak, on Tuesday May 29th at 8 AM. However, we invite everyone to come out to the premises on Sunday May 27th. We will be having an open house on that day so if you've never seen Quidditch in action or how a broom flies, you can come get a glimpse ahead of time. We are planning on a full day of pickup games and will be showing everyone how the game is played should people need explanation.

The Pit is user friendly and if you've ever had a dream of mounting a broom and taking to the air then we are here for you. While we have rental brooms available for all Wizards and Witches, we also have brooms specifically designed for use by non magical patrons. That's right. You do not have to have magic in order to participate.

I've provided a schedule of what we currently offer here. There will be lessons available beginning on opening day and ideally, once we have enough interested people, we will begin to have weekend matches in the near future.

Thank you.

I need one more instructor. Does anyone have interest in teaching flying and would like to interview with myself, Bill and James?

May. 17th, 2018


[Dance group]
Meet up: 9pm at my place [address]
Destination: Several different spots around NYC

My Bamf will be able to take people back whenever they're needing to. If ya got questions let me know.

May. 16th, 2018


I know people are a lil all over the place because of the whole power swap thing that's happened to some, but is anyone up for heading to NYC this Friday to go dancing?

If you're worried about powers going outta control my offer to help with that still stands.

So Friday. NYC. Dancing. Who's in?


What new level of Tartarus is this place? Yes, I heard the welcome spiel - alternate dimension, mysterious portal, all that good stuff - but what's the ETA on a ticket back home? It's absolutely imperative I get back immediately.

Unless this handsome asshole is around. Or this one. Preferably both of them. Then I can take my time.

May. 14th, 2018


If anyone's got an ability that they can't handle or is hurting you, let me know and I can siphon some of it off and give ya a reprieve for a few hours to a couple of days, depending on what you're needing.

And no it don't matter what kind of ability from magic to inhuman to vampire to a god. I've done them all.

May. 13th, 2018


delivery for rogue (616) )

May. 10th, 2018


Good job, team. I'll have the money laundered and back to you within two weeks. Celebratory breakfast in the morning at my place.

Job's done. No issues. I'll see you all in the morning for breakfast, if you're hungry. I'm cooking.

Have you ever made love on a million dollars?

[ooc; Forwarddated to tomorrow night.]

May. 8th, 2018


Peril, I would appreciate it, that if you have a problem with me or something I'm doing, that you refrain from involving others in it. Quentin didn't know about the heist and now that he does, he'll be a bundle of nerves and worries until it's over.

Also, I'm cooking dinner tomorrow night when you don't have a shift, so be home then.

Well, at least Illya's making it very easy to get over him. Want to go off school premises for lunch? Because I need something stronger than to drink than anything the vending machines offer.

Dinner tonight? I'm cooking tomorrow for Illya and you as well, but just us tonight?

May. 4th, 2018


I like going to the EPS. It's not UA, and it's a little strange not having to go to hero training on top of regular school, but I like it.


Things I didn't expect to be hearing today "doll up" "book up" "dog up" and then when I looked in the living room seeing my baby girl levitating her doll, Goodnight Moon, and Sorcha in the air.

The poor Irish wolfhound is currently trying to hide out under my bed.

I'm gonna need to get some extra treats at the store today.

May. 2nd, 2018


I need a new breakfast place, I can't deal with the sorry excuse for pancakes JJ's has. Recommendations?

And has anyone seen this asshole around? He answers (when he feels like it) to Kap.

Thank you for letting me stay at the townhouse and thank you for letting me grumble at wood on your rooftop. I should be done your rooftop retreat within the week.

So The past couple of weeks I've been working on reworking my go to outlets for when things get frustrating and for when I can't handle a situation anymore. I think I've set up some strong methods with dealing with this that don't involve spiraling down bad paths, so I'm ready to go home and resume my life.

I'm going to work on finding a job next, so if you have any recommendations, hit me.

If you guys are ready for it, I'd like to come back home.

May. 1st, 2018


[Friends of Jean Grey and Scott Summers]
Baby Shower

When: Saturday, May 19th
Time: 1-3pm
Where: X-mansion

RSVP to Ororo Munroe (older) or me.


(035) Kylo Ren

Cut for Picture, not filtered )

Millicent keeps trying to hide them from me. I hope that isn't an indictment of my parenting abilities.

[Filter: Leia & Han (canon)]
I hope you'll both come Friday. I know it would mean a lot to Eliot if you were there.

[Filter: Padmé Amidala & Leia (legends)]
If either of you are free sometime this week, you could come by and see the kittens.


So great news about this trashy lingerie store. There are hidden sex toys. It's lacking in other areas and I don't get why they're hidden (it's a secret shhh), but I guess beggars can't be choosers in this Texas adventure we're on. Plus, they agreed to pay me money, so I guess points for them.

I need a little more leather in my attire. But I can always make a trip to New York or somewhere for that. I may need to rethink all the black, though. This place is hot as shit.

Apr. 29th, 2018


I realize it is a school night and I will probably regret this when I have to be up in the morning, but who else can't sleep? Anyone want to Netflix & Chill? Did I use that right?

Additionally, we should probably discuss the timeline for our heist.


On Friday, I'm going to be hosting a small barbecue here at the Cottage. Some of you may know by now but yesterday evening my wife, Fen, arrived here in Tumbleweed and I would like to have the opportunity to introduce her to each and every one of you. If you cannot make it, as I know this is short notice, I understand and hope that we can arrange for her to be introduced to you at some future point in time.

* As long as you don't regularly piss him off, there's a good possibility you are in on this filter. It's a wide net.

Apr. 28th, 2018


Are there any island portals that anyone can reach?

[Natasha Romanoff]
Can you sell some stuff for me?

Apr. 22nd, 2018


So when I haven't been in school and doing five million other things. None of which actually involve my homework I've been spending a lot of time in the forge, which is kind of nice. I've been sleeping there mostly

Stocked up on the motor oil and Tabasco sauce. Festus seems pretty happy with it.

Speaking of Festus.

[Pictures of Festus (aka Leo's metal dragon) who now has four legs, but a lot missing past that and still no wings]

He's looking pretty great. I need to form the wings still and the tail and a few other things, but he's a lot further along than he was.


Right so, I ain’t sure when we’ll be actually needing this, but I’ve gone and set up an emergency location for the Displaced for whenever shit hits the fan and we can’t go staying here in Tumbleweed. While I’d really like something like those bracelets we all had on the cruise for teleporting everyone no matter where they might be to be around for use, they just ain’t. Hit me up if’n ya think you can make something like that.

I’ve been working to finish adding up housing options and gotten some people to help limit the path of the local fauna that might’ve caused us all some issues if they were allowed to run around everywhere. It runs on solar power and backup generators. Wind power is getting installed soon once I figure out where would be best to go setting it up. There’s a greenhouse that’s already up and running and livestock are getting settled in this week.

[Pretend there's some pictures inserted here for everyone to see.]

So if’n you’re wanting access to it, what you’re gonna need is a portal set up in your house or your place of business (if its Displaced owned). Put your name down here if ya want in and we’ll get ya set up. Just like on the cruise, only the Displaced will be able to head through them there and back.

Hopefully it won't need to be used, but better to have something in place than not.

Apr. 21st, 2018


While Leo and I are enjoying our one on one lessons, I would love to have more students to teach.

So EPS students who think German is overrated (all the love to you, Rogue and Gaby!), come to my French class.

Apr. 22nd, 2018


Poker night. 6pm, my place. [address] Dress to impress.

Apr. 20th, 2018


[Kobik and viewable to her guardians]
On Monday we're going to start working on your skills like Bucky talked to you about. I'm gonna need you to wear closed toed shoes and to bring a jacket with ya, even if'n the weather don't call for it here.

Apr. 19th, 2018


So I've been looking for a place people can go in case things get bad. Like really bad. Some of my friends have been helping me and it feels like we've been driving a ton and even flying I haven't found anything.

Like when I say people, I mean all of you. And when I say really bad I mean worse than a few monsters showing up in town.

Some of you are smart or whatever or know this world better than I do. Like there has to be somewhere safe we could go to if we had to. Like, away from all other civilization. That part is important.


WHO: Rogue
WHEN: today
WHERE: The Cabin
WHAT: Finally packing up Erik’s things.
WARNINGS: losing a loved one

and fuck you for making me think this life might be fair )

Apr. 18th, 2018


Party at the Cottage. [Address]. Saturday. 9 PM.

I expect you to be there.

Annie, I have a problem.

ROGUE (616)
I would like to take you out to lunch in the near future. Can we arrange this?

Added in late


(Feel free to assume)

Apr. 17th, 2018


As Anka Irene has around the clock babysitters, and I don't want to be a burden on Rogue, I secured a job.

It's not glamorous, but what can be after you were an Avenger? Housekeeping at Granny's Bed & Breakfast.

I feel weird posting publically


[Charlie Weasley]
So what might your thoughts be on dinosaurs?


I think that's the first time in years monsters have attacked and I got to go away from where the fight was and just hide in a reinforced superhero base until it was over. It felt weird, but it looks like it got handled. Did anyone get hurt or anything?

That was a lot of beeping Actually I thought school would feel weirder just because of the tiny classes and not having to pretend that aliens exist. But it was just like a mix of the classes on the boat, classes at home, and hanging out with Ax, Tobias and Toby. There's only a couple of months left of this year though so... I'd better make sure I do plenty of studying in the evenings too.

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