June 2020




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Oct. 12th, 2017


Okay! I need a means to earn money, because obviously I can't just take stuff. I'm a decent medic, and I love animals. Are there any positions available that could cater to either of these? I would also be interested in running a small farm to incubate and hatch chickens because baby chickens are adorable and I need them in my life.


I am Ysmir, Lastborn of Akatosh and the High King of Skyrim.
I demand to be sent back to Tamriel, immediately! My people need their king.
I wonder if I can pick the lock to this door...

Oct. 11th, 2017




Not that I didn't appreciate the small free place, but it's nice to be out. Now, if someone would point me in the direction of some baby chocobos I'd really appreciate it.

Oct. 10th, 2017


They should make the ceilings in here higher. Anyone know if these quarantine things come with a suggestion box?

Oct. 9th, 2017


One more day. I'm itching to explore and see the sights.

What's there to do in Tumbleweed?

Oct. 8th, 2017


This is a load of chocobo shit, and if I'm gonna be stuck in this hole for a couple of days someone better have some entertaining things to tell.

I'll leave the rest up to you lot.


Time travel really sucks. Like being on a rollercoaster with a hangover. What do you even take for it? Pain meds?

Filtered to Jean Grey  )


Uh oh..

Oh no. This can't be good. Where am I?

Fang? Are you here?

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