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Dec. 20th, 2017


Who: Secret Santa participants!
When: First thing Wed 20th
Where: A mailbox near you! (Or next to the mailbox.)

Sorted alphabetically by first name:

Albus to Hope )

Ianto to Percy )

Pixie to Zelda )

Dec. 17th, 2017


[DC people (across all 'verses)]
So...not sure if any of you have Christmas plans but Manor's open to you guys on Christmas if you want to drop by. I've been working on decorating as much as I can but god damn it if this place isn't huge and hard to decorate.

Dec. 12th, 2017


I've been told that not only have I been here before, but I may or may not be partially responsible for the rift that keeps pulling people here?

Sorry, guys.

Dec. 11th, 2017


Good party. Does this happen often? Because I would be very interested in having more.

You were absolutely stunning.

Dec. 10th, 2017


ATTN superheroes/anyone with a recognisable "look".

The hospital is taking sign ups for people to dress up and visit the kid's ward on the 23rd and 24th for Christmas. Claire organised this last year and absolutely nothing weird or implausible happened. It works best if you have a costume, uniform or distinctive outfit that's been seen in a tv show, movie or comic book that's pretty well-known. Books usually aren't visual enough and video games don't get as much advertising so fewer people see them. A good rule of thumb is probably "can I buy a Halloween costume of myself?" (That means you Steve Rogers I don't care if you're not Captain America anymore.)

Dec. 6th, 2017


netpost; ray palmer


They told me I can contact people outside using this network, which is a relief. So, it's 2017? We're in Texas and there are no dinosaurs or historical figures running around outside?

A little tame, but I could like it here.

Dec. 3rd, 2017


48 hours? Okay. I can handle that.

More importantly, though, when's lunch?

Dec. 2nd, 2017


They tell me I'm on earth. The air doesn't appear to have any lead particulates.



I'm not sure if I buy this business about being torn away from "my timeline". I deal with criminals, not sci-fi.

As long as Russo isn't here-


Dress shopping was surprisingly easy. Kara, we're going to be total knockouts.

[Filtered to Clark Kent]
I found a dress. Tomorrow is your turn.


Okay, friends and fam! I'm looking at you!! I'm going to the ball with you guys, and Cisco and I came up with an idea! You're not allowed to say no. After the party, we're going bowling in our fancy clothes!

If you try to say no, I will give you my best puppy dog eyes.

Dec. 1st, 2017


So who's for sure going to the ball?

And if I actually write a letter to Santa, what do we think the chances are that I get sent Gremlins in the mail or like... idk... turn into whatever I ask for? Do random nice things happen here, in anybody's experience?

Nov. 29th, 2017


Kara Danvers

I'm sorry I haven't been that great of a cousin since I got here. But I'd like to hear more about your world and what happened there and everything, if you have time to tell it and want to.

All DC Universe People, All Varieties

I was wondering if everyone wanted to try and do regular get togethers, maybe a meal every month or every few weeks. Any interest?

Nov. 20th, 2017


[DCgiving Invitees]

Since I'm charged with vegetarian/vegan options, and you guys tend to get the short stick at things like this, vote now on your preferences, or forever hold your peace.

Read the list if you want to eat. )

Nov. 17th, 2017


Hey. So we're doing Friendsgiving on the Saturday after Thanksgiving at casa Bat-fam. (Please check with Dick Grayson about the address, because I realize there are multiple Bat-fam houses.) We're gonna aim for people to start coming over at three. I'll be there earlier to cook, obvs. Feel free to bring a friend or two with you if you want.

Here are the rules: everybody who comes needs to bring something so that there's enough for everybody, whether that's food, drinks, entertainment, etc. You can buy or make stuff, I'm not super picky. It's gonna be a chill atmosphere, so dress however you want. I'm def wearing jeans.

We're gonna have some vegetarian options but plenty of meat. Let me know if you have dietary stuff a cook should know about.

Got it? Good! Hit me up if you got questions.

Nov. 14th, 2017


I guess it was too much to ask to have a night where I can relax.

Though I will say the whole showing up on a different Earth is new to me.

My name's Lara [...] Croft.

Nov. 13th, 2017


So does anybody watch Star Trek: Discovery? Because I'm trying really hard to figure out whether I like it or not and talking it out always helps with these things. Like the show's definitely not terrible and there are a lot of things I like about it. Like all the pieces are good - the characters, the ship. Not super thrilled about when it's set, but I can deal with it. But the plots are a little... idk. And what they've done to the Klingons, I'm not super into. So half the time I dig it and half the time it's like, show can you chill for just a second?

Circle one for Friendsgiving: yes/no/veryyes

Oct. 31st, 2017


Think this goes without saying but you kids need to be safe out there during Halloween. As usual the gym is open for anyone that don't want to be out with all the rugrats running about.

Also, with Clint being gone I need someone to take over the ranged training at the gym. It don't gotta be permanent, and I'd do it myself but I got a ton of shit on my plate and would appreciate help with it.

So if you're interested then let me know here. Or stop by the gym. Whatever you want.

Oct. 25th, 2017


[Friends + Bats]

Saturday night, Dick's place, not-Halloween party. I'm cooking. Dick's making rot-your-teeth cocktails that I will not admit having tried or endorsed. Be there at 7:30. Bring dog treats. Don't dress up.

Oct. 23rd, 2017


netpost; dick grayson

I keep looking at this costume I ordered before all the fun began and I'm loathed to put it on. Nothing against Kid Flash; but I don't want to have to eat as much as he does, only to turn back into myself and be at the gym every spare second burning off the calories.

Oct. 8th, 2017


[Filtered to Kara, Alex, Diana, Jason]
If this forty-eight hour hold really does let up when it's supposed, I should be out of here around ten tonight. I would not say no meeting any of you, if you guys are interested in meeting another-universe Lois.

Oct. 6th, 2017


Okay. Whatever this is, I had nothing to do with whatever or whoever put me in here.

Oct. 5th, 2017


Clark Kent is literally the nicest dude!

I may have missed some things this week. Sorry. What's up everybody?

That was a trip and a half, huh?

So hey.

Sep. 27th, 2017


Oh for...I had things to do. This is highly inconvenient.


Voice Post: Anakin Skywalker

[after this and voice posted to avoid getting paint/glitter on the screen]

Does anyone know how to get paint and glitter off of hair and skin? And leather? A lot of paint and glitter. I guess my clothes might be hopeless, but apparently some... children... are going to be dressing up like... um, me, for "Halloween," so maybe... Yeah, if anyone has any ideas. Thanks.

Sep. 26th, 2017


I'm not sure if it's because I'm bored at not and desperately miss the DEO, but I'm wondering if professional pizza taster might be a job. What kind of work have others found here?

Sep. 14th, 2017


I'm curious - where is everyone from?

Aug. 25th, 2017


[Kara and Alex]
You guys! This place! Is AWESOME!

I am talking to Spider-Man like it's no big deal. I may be getting a job with the X-Men. Basically everything is a beautiful nerd paradise. I'm gonna try to get in with every superhero group I have ever read/watched/loved.

I just wish Barry, Caitlin, and Felicity would actually shit a brick if they were here.

Aug. 18th, 2017


Pretend this was posted earlier this week

[Private to Kara and Alex]
Could you guys maybe... help me with clothes?

I will repay you with food.

Aug. 10th, 2017


Between the forced captivity and the whole "Central City doesn't exist here" thing, this is definitely the worst interdimensional travel I've done so far.

Jul. 23rd, 2017


We've got a problem.

Some recon into Sweetums has discovered that they've come down with a sickness. The symptoms? Purple pustules, green dots, and vomiting. Those of us who were in space, whether we caught it or not, are carriers and we've infected these people.

We've got to come up with a solution from our limited means here.


All those trucks yesterday, I think they're trying to build something down in the town. I'm gonna do another flyover and see if I can hear anything interesting! Anyone wanna come with??

Do you think it's possible that he could... um. That he could come down in a pod like before?

Jul. 15th, 2017


I'm free, I'm free! No dangit necessary. Who's ready for some apology-slash-let's-be-friends-again donuts?! I'm armed and dangerously compelled to give hugs!!

Jul. 11th, 2017


Ummm. This is probably one big mistake, right? I took a wrong turn or something, but it's not... Right. Except this is Earth, so I'm a little confused. There was a lot to take in all at once, just... Hello??? Who's out there? My name's Kara and I need a big, big favor when they let me out of here (and they better!!!). So. Help? Is my sister here? Alex????

Jul. 8th, 2017


Did something happen? I got a pretty unusual pamphlet today, and while it doesn't pertain to me, if my sister were here it'd affect her.

Jul. 5th, 2017


We've lost a lot of people lately.

I don't want to talk about it.

But I need to fill up the spots at the gym that are now empty. Looking for more people willing to train at the gym. The schedule is below. Keep in mind that just because a time is filled doesn't mean it's not available. The gym is big. It'll just be in a different area.

Let me know then fill out the schedule.


Jul. 2nd, 2017


I've never been a fan of quarantine protocols, but 48 hours seems a little excessive.

Kara? Are you here?

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