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October 9th, 2017

[info]extraflamey in [info]thedisplaced

[locked: Buffy]

Buffy? It's me! Will! Someone told me you're here... somewhere. Not where though, but if you're here it'd be really cool if you'd respond. This whole thing is really super zany weird and not in a Xander's making too many comic jokes and cartoon references or a inch tall demon is trying to take over the world sort of way but more like I wish Giles was here and I could use his books to be research gal and find out what demon might have done this sort of way. I was told there's a rift? And that we're in Texas? And there was a really nice girl here who seemed really sad when I said I didn't I feel like a major jerkzilla And that the rift messes with time?

Please tell me the rift doesn't mess with time, I don't even want to try to figure out what that would mean for the space-time continuum, and the Hellmouth. I don't want to be zapped back to dealing with a fifty foot fang face in high school somehow because we took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

[info]tidalking in [info]thedisplaced

[Susan and Johnny Storm]
Things are going to get awkward if I wait too long
I didn't introduce myself fully the other day. Despite living and training with the X-Men I'm not a mutant. My Atlantean blood comes from my father, Namor. My ability to manipulate force fields (and truthfully almost everything else) comes from my mother, Susan. They met when he saved her life during the meteor storm that destroyed the Western hemisphere and married several years later. The oldest of my sisters is Valeria and my brother is Johnny. So. I don't As it's common knowledge I thought it best to let you know.

I'm telling Susan and Johnny who I am, or rather, I have done and now I'm thinking about alcohol.

[info]elliebloodstone in [info]thedisplaced

Well this is just ☠☠☠☠ bull☠☠☠☠.

[info]timidwitch in [info]thedisplaced

Is there a magic shop in town? Is there interest in a magic shop? A place to buy ingredients for spells, maybe do tarot readings, a place to store all the big tomes that might have come with us?

If not, I'd really like to start one. I don't know how to go about that though. Where I come from, there was already one. It was called the Magic Box.


So... Willow doesn't remember me.

Which makes me wonder about this whole... timeline stuff. Where are you at in it? What's the last thing that happened in Sunnydale for Buffy? :)

[info]wonkytonks in [info]thedisplaced


I didn't want to ask, didn't want to be a begger, but you're Charlie and you owe me, dammit.

You got a place I could stay? Or a job I could do?

[info]automailist in [info]thedisplaced

It's nice taking a break from work to bake.

Al, I have something for you.

[info]sparkofhope in [info]thedisplaced

One more day. I'm itching to explore and see the sights.

What's there to do in Tumbleweed?

[info]johns_blog in [info]thedisplaced

[Text Messages to Rose Tyler]
>> Maybe you can help me with something?
>> I'm looking for a therapist in Tumbleweed
>> Hopefully somebody who's also like us, who came from another universe
>> I want to be able to talk freely without being assumed I'm delusional on top of everything else