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October 5th, 2017

[info]notmaidmarian in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Raven]
Hey. You settlin' in okay?

[info]phasing in [info]thedisplaced

Ha ha. Come as you aren't, and then suddenly we are? Whose idea was that?

PS. Your history essays are still due on Friday.

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

Network Post

I could get out of here if I wanted to. But I don't want to.

If I ordered a pizza, would they deliver it to quarantine?

[info]goodlikesunkist in [info]thedisplaced

Clark Kent is literally the nicest dude!

I may have missed some things this week. Sorry. What's up everybody?

That was a trip and a half, huh?

So hey.

[info]spoilers_ in [info]thedisplaced

Network Post

Alright, so this place isn't quite the amateur hour that it appeared at first glance. Either that or I have completely lost my touch.

Fortunately, I know the whole solitary confinement drill. Looks like it's just me, this hilariously quaint computer, and some kind of film database. Any suggestions on what to watch? What will either give us something to talk about when I do get out of here or lend a bit of clarity to this place, wherever this place is?

[info]imnotlegolas in [info]thedisplaced

Well it's not the first time I've woken up in a crappy motel.

[Avengers Mansion]
So...sorry for anything I said and did and a thousand thank yous for watching Lila when I was that dick gangster.

So...thanks for keeping his interest so he didn't run off to rob banks like he wanted.

But um... How much does Lila hate me right now?

[info]son_of_batman in [info]thedisplaced

The individuals at this facility are incompetent at best. How long does it take to run a blood screening? My property better be returned to me promptly.

Now, who on this inane network has useful information about the vortex phenomenon?

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Eliot Waugh & Quentin Coldwater
WHEN: October 5th
WHERE: The Cottage
WHAT: Eliot locks Quentin out.
STATUS: In Progress.

Q, meet me outside.  )

[info]humanerror in [info]thedisplaced

[Text Messages to John Watson]
» Do you remember Ravenmoore? [Deleted]
» They told me you might n [Deleted]
» So help me, John Watson, if you forg [Deleted]
» I need a cigarette [Deleted]
» The tea they serve here tastes like a semi-decomposed corpse.

[info]pattyspivot in [info]thedisplaced

Is this... is this real?

It's 2017. But I was on my way to Midway City to go to school in 2015.

I mean, the theory of time travel has always been just that, right? A theory? But according to these documents here that's what I've done. And I'm in a completely different universe on top of that.

It's a lot to wrap my mind around, but I think these couple of days in quarantine will help with that.

Oh, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Patty, Patty Spivot. From Central City.


[info]automailist in [info]thedisplaced

Trying to entice kitty!Al to stay safely in my room hasn't been easy. I've been bribing him with pizza (and I can understand why he likes it). I really hope he changes back soon.

[info]elgran in [info]thedisplaced

That was unusual. I have never turned into anything I wasn't before. Not even with Transfiguration.

[info]king_quentin in [info]thedisplaced

Texts to Eliot )