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August 23rd, 2017

[info]kamala in [info]thedisplaced

So, I think the last time I shared a picture of my new dog, it was just to the other people that live with me, so technically, this would be the official Introduced On Social Media day for Shredder (yes, that's what I ended up naming him). Even though... I've had him for several weeks now and some people may have already seen him in person.

But, that's fine. Here, have a picture of him wearing a winter jacket he might not ever get to wear unless I take him to Jersey with me on a trip or something.

And another wrapped up as a burrito and just SO FREAKING CUTE!

And then a video because jhdfjkghdjkfgh.

That is all, hope that brightens up your day through whatever craziness you're going through right now!

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedisplaced

Remind me to never take any more dares from people out of town who can't do the dare either. Albus.

Felt like my whole body was one giant ache.

[info]zombiemode in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, I can't stand this living alone thing anymore.

Does anyone need a roommate? I've got a second bedroom in a cute 2 bedroom with an open floor plan. Bedroom's are spacious. Two bathrooms. Fully furnished.

[info]harvelle in [info]thedisplaced

Let's not do that whole regressing back to childhood thing again.

[info]controlmyown in [info]thedisplaced

I think Billy is gone. All of my f

[Charles Xavier]
May I speak with you?

[info]deathbenotproud in [info]thedisplaced

Do we have any publicists here? I really feel I need a brand manager for when I'm not in charge of my own head.

Specializations in wedding pinterest boards appreciated but not required.

[Filtered to Betsy and Pixie]

[Filtered to Charles Xavier]
People don't tell you you're a jerk enough

[info]slymshady in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to older X-men (Charles, Jean, Emma, Warren, Betsy, Kitty, Logan, Rogue]
Will someone please tell me Ororo did not have drugs at that "party" the other night.

[info]faberges in [info]thedisplaced

[Telepathic Message to Ororo]
Remember when I said their vengeance would be swift and terrible?

[info]ringaring in [info]thedisplaced

It's probably too early to say this, but I love college. I know logically that the chance is there that I might change my mind come exams, but I really, really doubt it. I'm in love.

[info]tedward in [info]thedisplaced

I don't know about the rest of you, but I could have avoided my sudden reminder of my younger years. Though, I suppose it was my own fault that I had to go and investigate things for myself. I don't know why I'd imagine that I'd have been exempt, but I never pretended to be the most logical of people. Curiosity is a dangerous thing.

Though, Dad, I think we should make the candy store a regular haunt. Unless I'm no longer adorable enough to get free sweets.