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May 26th, 2017

[info]phasing in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, so no more fires under butts. Quill is staying at Avengers house or mansion or whatever they've got here. I do NOT want to start another war with the Avengers.

It was funny though. Seeing his face. Never seen someone sweat so much.

[info]changingtide in [info]thedisplaced

Everyone else can keep complaining about this heat. I'm loving it.

[info]killer_clone in [info]thedisplaced

This heat makes my hair do funny things.

[info]elgran in [info]thedisplaced

It is so very warm here. I am not used to it. I have not been very warm places before. I think I do not feel very well. I have used charms to keep cool, but they need to be redone so often. And the sun has turned my skin red.

[info]heroestoarms in [info]thedisplaced

Unpopular opinion, but I have never been so glad to be back at school that I'm sort of dreading summer vacation since it's already so close.

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

» Q, I need you to come look at ties.
» Also, Kylo is going to be staying for two weeks.
» Be nice.

[info]continuityerror in [info]thedisplaced

Kate Bishop, Teddy Altman, America Chavez, Violet Parr + Other Friends (Feel free)
If I were in the middle of trying to do SOMETHING and then I agreed to SOMETHING ELSE, which thing would you want to hear about first -- Thing One or Thing Two?

I promise I didn't agree to unleash the apocalypse, use my magic (okay, America, go-karts are off the table until like, my mom problem is fixed), or help Loki. Please, I am almost, almost a twenty-something. Isn't it time for a new mid-quarter-life crisis?

[info]motherofevil in [info]thedisplaced

Now that I have been freed from detainment, I thought I should take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Vanessa Ives. I hail from England, but I am quite excited for this foray onto American soil.

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedisplaced

Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

While I was in quarantine, some of you asked if I remembered Mount Weather. I didn't at the time. The "pod god" or whatever handles memories apparently saw fit to change that now that I'm out. Or perhaps my physiology made it tricky to incorporate them at first? I'm literally a new person from who I was back then. I remember spending several months there when I was in my teens.

I'm really unclear on who here knew me there, with a few exceptions, so sorry if it seems like I don't know you. It's hard to know if I do or not. Oops?

[Sam Winchester, in Russian]

Hello, Sam. Did you learn Russian?