November 2017

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August 17th, 2017

[info]mountzenith in [info]zenithrp


Day 90.

Weather: In the late hours of the previous night (or early hours of the morning, depending on your perspective), the temperatures dip even lower below zero, and the wind picks up. It howls through-out the night and day, creating massive snowdrifts.

Events: There are new additions to the house, and once again, TPTB have chosen to spice things up a smidge. Added to the house this morning are Lana, Lance, and Delaney, and they will each wake up at around 5 in the morning. They will all wake up in slightly different conditions.

First, Delaney. The lucky girl has what you might call 'the standard treatment.' She wakes up in her room, hospital gown, IV, locked door. Whole nine yards.

Next, Lance. Lance receives what you might call 'the OG/Levi treatment.' Meaning, his experience is exactly like that experienced on day 1. His door is not locked, he is free to roam as he will.

Finally, Lana. Lana receives what shall henceforth be known as the 'haha, fuck you' treatment. She wakes up in a hospital gown and with an IV in her arm, with the same weakness and disorientation everyone else experiences... only, she wakes up on one of the living room couches. The only good thing to be said about the 'haha, fuck you' treatment is that her bedroom door has been labeled for her, and her box of clothing is inside of it. So, you know. There's that. Hurray!

The first time Lance and Lana access their computers (or the network on the smartphones waiting on their desks), they will find instructions much like those received on day 2. Minus the explore the town bit, as they would probably freeze to death long before getting there.