June 2020




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Jun. 17th, 2020


Whoverse & Friends
I've been thinking about it a lot and I've decided to stay. I know what's waiting for me back home, and in some way there's still a version of me back there but here I'm with people that I wouldn't have had a chance to meet back home and I don't want to lose that. This is just ... another adventure and I don't want to miss out.

Jun. 4th, 2020


Oh Merlin, how could I have forgotten this place?

Also, I'm 18 again, physically. That's just unfair. Especially when, uh Also, Harry is here but doesn't know how to say hello yet.

Please tell me some of you remember me.

May. 21st, 2020


Thursday, May 21, 9:53PM

Thanks, everyone. That was a really entertaining start of my new month in Tumbleweed. I'm assuming this shit happens all the time.

Filter: Steve & Nat (MCU)
So, help a brother out. I didn't expect Tumbleweed to be this big because I was under the impression it was an extremely small town, similar to the middle of freaking Ohio or something, but looks like I got plenty of options for jobs. What are your suggestions?

May. 14th, 2020


Certainly didn’t take long for more insanity to ensue, did it?

I think if it were up to Rose we would have a whole menagerie. She’s tried to bring in more animals than I can count at this point. I can’t really blame her, but we certainly don’t have the space for all of them at the moment. Good thing I’ve got my list started and appointments set up.

May. 11th, 2020


WHO: Blue Sargent & Rose Tyler
WHAT: Stargazing & snacking as friends
WHEN: Back on the Atomica (backdated)
WHERE: Spaaaace

... )


rose tyler, age 13

Where am I? This isn't my flat [...]


May. 4th, 2020


Thanks to the Bureau, I have a new flat that I've moved into. It's not bad, a bit nicer than the one I grew up in. At some point, I'm going to have to get around to decorating. I don't have a lot but the walls are looking a little bare.

I'm really sorry about Kady and Bill. I hope the two of you are doing alright, and if there's anything I can do, let me know. If you need me to step up and take on a bit more at the shop, I don't mind the extra work. Whatever the two of you need.

Apr. 26th, 2020


We got, what, eight more hours before we leave port? If anyone wants to, I got one of those fancy warp whistles, and it heads over to basically a life size board game. Only got to go a couple times but figure could be a fun last hurrah.

Nebula? Rocket? Mantis?

Apr. 24th, 2020


Okay, so hear me out. My powers are neutralized when I'm on the islands. That means I have taste buds again.

Can someone bring me, like a whole platter of cheese, fruit, and snacks?


It's St. Mark's Eve today.

But there isn't a church or a cemetery out here, is there? I haven't noticed one.

Apr. 22nd, 2020


Well, that was [...] interesting.

Apr. 20th, 2020



Did anyone see Hermione today?

It was her turn for a solo day, but she hasn't come back yet, and I haven't heard from her at all since this morning. She's not onboard the ship, but the paper owls can't find her either.

[OOC: Hermione is lost in the Forest of Illusion.]

Apr. 18th, 2020


Well. This is unexpected. Your welcoming party could use a little work. But I'm given to understand these aren't your usual circumstances, so perhaps that can be forgiven.

I'm River Song. And considering I really shouldn't be here right now, I suppose it's a pleasure to meet you all.

Apr. 17th, 2020


This place is amazing! I have a Red Yoshi, and I love [...] him? Her? I'm not entirely sure but it certainly doesn't change my nearly embarrassing level of affection I have. I hope we're still here for my birthday next week.

I'm off to explore if anyone wants to join me!

Apr. 11th, 2020


WHO: Everyone.
WHEN: Um, it was supposed to be last night, so let's say tonight.
WHERE: Callisto Deck, Starlight Park
WHAT: Living up to its name, Starlight Park hosts the Festival of Recreation. Leisure. Dancing. And... other things.
TRIGGERS: There will be a section for the


Apr. 1st, 2020


So far, I don't hate this place. It's got some neat stuff to see and we've been worse places.

[Fred Weasley]
So are we acknowledging it or ignoring it? I just want to know if I should be finding a cake or if someone else has found one or what.

Mar. 26th, 2020


I made friends with some swamp people. Does anyone want to have a picnic with us?

Also hi, I'm Mantis! I don't think I introduced myself before! I'm with the Guardians. Well not right now, right now I'm with my new friends. They're really funny and I think you'd like them.

Mar. 22nd, 2020


I've really missed space travel.

They offer different classes here, and I sat in on a painting one. Don't laugh, I'm not much of a painter, but it was still a lot of fun!

not an ic cut )

Mar. 21st, 2020


Mr. Mandaloreean!

Can Kid come fly through the trees with me???? 😄😄😄😄

Or if he's too small, can we play after I fly through the trees??????

Thank you!

Mar. 13th, 2020


I think I would much prefer more library stops than mall stops.

Mar. 8th, 2020


Hi, I'm Dr. Liv Moore. I know, laugh it up, but I've seen that some of your are new here and didn't get to meet me or Dr. Frankenstein from the Bureau. We work at the Bureau, giving vaccinations and making sure that the Displaced are healthy. We have an off-site campus that Dr. Hank McCoy runs for those who aren't comfortable with the Bureau's anti-power wards.

I wanted to make a note that I know there were robot doctors and holograms and other things, but if you feel like you want to see a normalISH human doctor, I'm here. I'm sure the others would agree with me, but I'll let them pipe up here.

Anyway, who is up for some karaoke?


Out of curiosity, what's the housing situation like once we're back in Tumbleweed if someone you're staying with leaves?

I missed out on the space unicorn, but it looks like there's plenty to do here.

Mar. 7th, 2020


Nebula Lounge has the best drinks on the ship.

Beware that it also offers karaoke.

Mar. 6th, 2020


As usual, time for check ins. Use this post to find people, otherwise we may get lost among hundreds of posts.

Mar. 5th, 2020


m, =---0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

[[OOC: Bean has updated on Mando's account. Credit to Dawn's kitty Jezebel for walking on the keyboard and sending it to me on Discord.]]

Mar. 3rd, 2020


Hey so...

Does anyone else get panic attacks things about stars and the vastness of space? And just how small and tiny we are and how at ANY MOMENT something in the universe that happened billions of years ago could JUST affect us now?

So like.. about this space cruise?

Feb. 26th, 2020


I hope everyone is okay after all that. When I was a kid, I actually liked Sleeping Beauty, but after all I think it's definitely gone down on the list. Which is fine, it wasn't my favourite, none of them could top Robin Rood.

Fɪʟᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ Rᴏɴ & Fʀᴇᴅ Wᴇᴀsʟᴇʏ
I'm sorry that your Dad's gone back. If there's anything I can do for you guys, just let me know.

Fɪʟᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ Tᴇɴᴛʜ Dᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ
So. I think you and I should have a talk.

Feb. 24th, 2020


Fat Tuesday! Paczki Day! Pancakes for everybody!

Who wants to go to Mardi Gras with me, tomorrow?

Feb. 5th, 2020


voice to text

Hello. I was told there are people in here and I should say hello.

Can you hear me?

Feb. 1st, 2020


I don't know what all you people are complaining about. SPACE! Think of the possibilities!

Personally, I would love to go to Milliways (otherwise known as the Restaurant at the End of the Universe) to try a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. Who knows, maybe we'll visit Naboo? Or wind up on Knowhere? Too bad I probably won't be able to take the TARDIS.

Sure, there's bound to be danger and trouble, but we have that here, too, don't we?

Jan. 27th, 2020


So who's got two thumbs and isn't terribly attached to either of them? Hopefully you guys.

WWW is looking for volunteers for a side project.

Jan. 23rd, 2020


You know, I lived in Seattle for my entire life, and I never got seasonal depression until I came here. Land of the overcast days with a little rain. It doesn't rain the way you think it does there. It's more like... half the year, but it's like misting. Drizzle. It doesn't last long. Maybe I'm used to it and that makes this span of NO RAIN harder for me?


Semi-late night thoughts by Liv Moore.

I think it's going to be a sleepless night.

Jan. 21st, 2020


I've been thinking about spring break. I know it's still a couple months away, but I really want a good spring break away from Tumbleweed. Somewhere I've never been that's really brilliant to see. I've got a TARDIS and a portal that won't let me travel to other worlds or time, so that's limiting.

I thought about Everest, but I'm not sure there's a spot to land her. Then I thought about the Mojave, and that just seemed really cool for a bit, but then it's just sand. Ideally, I'd like to DO something. I'm not really a beach person — at least not the lying on the beach, tanning sort of beaches. British skin. Tends to burn.

What's your favourite place on this planet?

Jan. 14th, 2020




So, Hermione and I are having a baby. And oh, guess what? She's here, and she's three. Say hi to Rose Weasley. Weasley-Granger? Granger-Weasley? Something of the Weasley and/or Granger variety.

Gifts, well-wishes, babysitting commitments, and a clue as to what the hell we're doing accepted.

Jan. 5th, 2020


We could always use another pair of hands at the shop, yeah? Give us a break from manning the register all day? Someone to test product ideas on?

Still wanna work in a magical joke shop?

Jan. 2nd, 2020


I'm curious to know whose hiring around here? I keep putting it off but I really ought to find work. I'm not sure what's around for someone who spent about a year traveling around time and space meeting aliens.

Maybe I should think about going back to sch-

Dec. 28th, 2019


Right then, might as well say Hello!


I'm The Doctor. Seems I've accidentally found myself here and the people at the Bureau were rather rude when I told them it couldn't be impossible to send me back.

Dec. 26th, 2019


Oh well. At least Father Christmas was polite about not getting me what I asked for.

Dec. 21st, 2019


Every December I've not had to set foot in the foul damp that's London I've considered an escape worthy of being celebrated, and I'm very happy to report that this will make nine in a row. This year I have much more to celebrate than avoiding a chill, so please allow me to introduce myself by expressing my gratitude at finding myself here. It seems a wonderful sort of place, and while I've no doubt I'll make a perfect fool of myself sooner rather than later, I do that in the city, too. I hate to begin by begging everyone's patience, but it won't be the first time, nor the last. I can only assure you I do my best to be a quick learner.

Dec. 16th, 2019


Network Post: Sabé

Padmé has it in her head that I need to meet about a dozen of you as her close friends and family, just for starters, and then she probably has another few dozen after that. I'm not surprised she's made many friends so quickly since she's famous for her people skills, but I think she forgets I'm not naturally as social as she is. I don't really know what to say or how to introduce myself except: hello, I'm Sabé. I've known Padmé half my life since entering her service as handmaiden. I'm from Naboo, of course.

Thank you again to Elizabeth Swann for giving me the crash course on this world. That had to be a strange thing to do for someone who inexplicably looks like you.

Dec. 14th, 2019


I really should crack down and start looking for a job.

Dec. 3rd, 2019


Anyone got big plans for the holidays?

I'm bringing down tea and biscuits. I'll leave them at the door on a tray. They're the proper ones with chocolate.


I'm going to learn everything I need to know about the upcoming holidays from the new season of Nailed It.

Nov. 30th, 2019


Would anyone like to go see the lights tonight as a group?

Nov. 29th, 2019


I'd say I'm far too young to be this stressed if I wasn't the cause of 85% of it. I'm intrigued, amused but if I'm being honest, a little frustrated.

Right, so stuck in the States, but a different Earth. No surprise there, but I hope this one doesn't include the overuse of Zeppelins.

Hi, my name's Rose.


Well... I daresay I'm not terribly fond of being caged, for better or worse. Do very much prefer my own box, thank you very much. Not much of a welcome, is it? About as good as this introduction, hah! Was that rude? Might have been rude to those that fetched me, I do apologise.

Anyway, hello! I'm the Doctor! Can't remember the last time I was in Texas. How's that then? Got loads more research to do before I pop off more questions on here, suppose.

Go on! What's there to do in this town I've not ever heard of in all my travels? And where is my ship now?

Mar. 3rd, 2018


Considering I think I was about to get stabbed in the gut, this is a welcome change. I guess. I think. I don't know. I'll decide once they let me out of quarantine. Either way, looks like I'm going to be here for awhile.

Might as well introduce myself. I'm Laurel Lance.

Mar. 2nd, 2018


Fishing day! Who wants to go fishing?

What say we all attend the pool party? Because I know we're all bummed over-

Feb. 27th, 2018


The Doctor [...] Nine's gone.

I'm fine.

Feb. 22nd, 2018


Hello! I haven't had a reason to use this network thingie for a while, been too TOO busy. Anything interesting happen while I've been away?

Oh, and I might've misplaced River Song somewhere. Has anybody heard from her recently?

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