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Mar. 27th, 2018


[All Avengers, Academy students, Wakandans, general friends]
Everyone okay? I'm in medical with Misty and Steve but I can get away if anyone needs. (They'll be fine, I am fine.)

Mar. 25th, 2018


when can I leave??

Mar. 24th, 2018


Where am I?

Is this another-

I didn't mean to-

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I hope I didn't hurt anyone.

[OOC: Thanks to powers being turned on with the power being off, there was a slight tremor when Daisy arrived in the med bay, due to her being yanked into another dimension. Luckily, as she wasn't around when the EMP went off, her gauntlets still work, so she was able to reign it in fast. There is no structural or heavy damage done to the ship. It just would've felt like the ship lurched forward a little bit. There's probably some broken glasses, but no one should've gotten seriously injured or anything like that. But, feel free to have characters react, as it definitely would've been felt.]


(004) Severus Snape

[Filter: Deck 9 Team (Eliot Waugh, Kylo Ren, Jason Todd, Wanda Maximoff (MCU), Rhy Maresh, Alucard Emery)]
I just signed up to help patrol this deck recently, and I am operating under the probability that this unscheduled stop and sudden lack of electricity may bode more challenges in the future.

Thus, I had hoped we should talk. I would like to know who I am working with, so that if it comes to it, we can work together well.

I will start - my name is Severus Snape, most recently Headmaster of Hogwarts, but before that I taught Defense against the Dark Arts. I am a wizard, and I have a thorough knowledge of defensive and offensive magical spells, including the ability to Apparate.

What of each of you?

Mar. 23rd, 2018


As strange as this sounds, I need you to not throw away seeds, leaves, or cuttings from fresh fruits or vegetables. I can grow more food stores from them. Seeds and roots are most helpful, given that they're already primed to grow.

I'm not promising an orchard or a rice paddy, but I can at least extend our supply of fresh food if needed.

Edit: I'll set up a system to collect the seeds and cuttings on at least a daily basis. Remember, they need to be fresh. I can't use dried, freeze dried, or spoiled materials.

Mar. 24th, 2018


We need 2-3 people per residential deck to check each suite to make sure things are okay - no one's trapped or injured, nothing's been set on fire, that sort of thing. Ideally people who are fairly well-known and trusted for obvious reasons, so if you never talk to anyone and lurk in dark corners a lot don't be surprised if I side-eye you being too eager here.

Deck One: Poe Dameron (+Finn), Laura Howlett

Deck Two: Kate Bishop, Sam Winchester

Deck Three: Sif, Ava Ayala

Deck Four: Qui-Gon Jinn, Maria Hill

Deck Seven: Petunia Dursley, Matt Murdock

Deck Eight: (avoid 814) Waverly Earp, Faith Lehane

Deck Nine: Wanda Maximoff, Karen Page

Deck Ten: Laurel Lance, Kitty Pryde

DONE. Thanks everyone.

Oh, and if your prosthetic suddenly stopped working and you need someone to look at it, apparently medbay is the place to be.

[ooc: I'll stick an ooc comment on this post as well so if there is anything that patrols would find you can tell us what, including any wards set up.]

Mar. 23rd, 2018


[Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes (the oldest two), Clint & Laura Barton, Wanda Maximoff (MCU)]
If baby Bucky forgets his room again it's 112. Diagonal from Wanda and about four down from the Bartons. Doesn't look like he's sharing with anyone so far.

[AvAc Daisy Johnson, Maria Hill, Jan van Dyne]
We found Bucky's room, it's #112.

Mar. 22nd, 2018


i bought a postcard with a lone palm tree
silhouetted in the reds of a setting sun
thinking you might miss me
like i do you
but they said you wouldn't even notice me gone

signed wish you were here and bon voyage
til we sail through the next buoyage


hey is there a list of what rooms people are staying in??

Mar. 21st, 2018


Insert preferred vacation destination, comment about alternative afterlife expectations, and complaints about my luggage gone missing.

Priorities first: Where can I get a burger? And then a dossier. I'll try not to get ketchup on it.

Mar. 19th, 2018


Filter: Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Damn, what did you do to Rogue?

Mar. 18th, 2018


Many of you know my friend David, and he's told me a great deal about this place. I'll skip the general confusion, shock, and wonder of a place like this. You all must get tired of hearing it, as I suspect it happens quite a lot. Alternate realities were only theoretical in my world, so far as I knew, so it's unexpected to suddenly find yourself in one. I'm glad to have David here though. A familiar face makes things much easier in the long run.

I'm Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. I'm not stuck on the title though, even if I did bust my arse to get it. Elizabeth is just fine, or Shaw if you're one of those people who prefer last names. Just not Ellie


Right so. School. For anyone new, please remember that anyone 17 and younger has to sign up and attend school. If'n ya don't, the ship will not let you get off of it whenever we get to the next port. Please talk to Scott Summers or myself if ya got any questions.

Also, since we don't want the kids getting poisoned during this Home Ec course that has now entered the cooking phase (and love ya Professor, but ya can't cook), we're in need of someone who can teach that for a few weeks. If'n ya'd like to give it a go, let me know!


I have been informed that not only are these injections beneficial; they have also been taken by other Wakandans on board. Is that true?

Mar. 14th, 2018


If anyone wishes to attend the Ball and does not wish to have a droid for a sitter, let me know. I have no intentions of going, and would be happy to mind a few children so you can have fun.

Mar. 13th, 2018


The castles are more beautiful than I expected. I think I will try Agrabah next, for spices. Ororo (the elder), what would you recommend?

If this is from you, thank you. It is beautiful.

Mar. 12th, 2018


There was a cat on my balcony this morning. To clarify, I was not that cat. To further clarify, it was a statue.

Do gifts appear at random often around here?



Delivered to:

616 Rogue )

616 Wanda Maximoff )

MCU Wanda Maximoff )

Kurt Wagner )

Hope Summers )

Mar. 10th, 2018


[Bucky Barnes x2]
Happy birthday.
How is it out there?
[David 8]
Are you settling in well?
[Tina Cohen-Chang]
Have you explored very much yet?


The street food of Agrabah is a delight to the taste buds, but I am afraid I am overdoing it with sweets. For those that are looking for something more savory, the food stall off the main market to the right in Agrabah is serving Shami Kababs that can do no wrong, as far as I am concerned.

Does anyone have any recommendations for sights of this kingdom before I move onto another? I have thoroughly exhausted all food options, so I am asking more about the art and culture now.

Mar. 5th, 2018


Magic carpets, Camelot, castles, Sherwood Forest. My inner child is screaming.

You've been quiet.

Mar. 4th, 2018


[Filtered to MCU!Avengers/Friends of the Bartons]

There will be cake.


Hello. I'm David.


For my first question I'd just like to know how I can get a closer look at those robots.

Mar. 3rd, 2018



Tonight, midnight, there's gunna be a battle of the bands.


Steven Universe!
Old Man & Stitch
Marceline, The Vampire Queen
And more...?


• Show up and cheer on your favorite band.
• Can sign up if you swear to Grob, Gob, Glob & Grod to be a neutral judge. We need 1-3 volunteers. Got it. Thanks!
• Enter the fray with your own band if you dare! (Just sign up here, man.)

Mar. 2nd, 2018


Vision was sent home. Again

No, I am not okay, nor do I wish to discuss it. I will be on the main deck tending to my plants. No one has to worry about me using my powers and hurting someone.

Feb. 26th, 2018


I am not sure who mentioned it originally, but I would like to thank them for the idea of bringing plants onto the ship. Viz and I now have several pots in our room with cuttings that I will be transplanting to my garden when we return to Tumbleweed.


Last day. I wish I'd been able to get out more. Me and Dad went to a couple of the forests to climb around but I can't have someone holding my hand all the time. The robot doctors say I'll probably always have some weakness on my right side, which sucks. My tail's mostly okay though.

Did anyone else not get to do things because of injuries? It's so annoying.

Feb. 23rd, 2018


How many more days?

Feb. 22nd, 2018


[Avengers Mansion people]
Do we need a distraction, and is it gonna run more violent or more (non-violent) fun?

Feb. 21st, 2018


Have you seen?
Let's explore some place far from the ship.
[Loki Laufeyson (MCU)]
How is your evening?


Another space portal. Let's not do that again.

Sentient nursebots, huh? I know what it looks like, but this one's not on me. Seriously, though. Someone has dramatically upped their LMD game. What are we talking, here? Thing 1 and Thing 2 are not particularly forthcoming. Programming could use some work.

So tell me, who else is on the guest list for this involuntary pleasure cruise? And is there scotch?

Feb. 20th, 2018


Optional* Magic** Survey***

*As in, please don't bother messaging me if it's secretive and you don't want to discuss. Just don't discuss? That's fine.

**Replying to say you have no magical ability or contact with magic where you're from is equally unnecessary.

***Feel free to respond publicly or privately. Private answers will be held in confidence.

1. Do you have the capability to use magic or regularly come into contact with magic? Is there a title you prefer like wizard, magician, psychic, etc?

2. How would you describe the nature of your abilities? For example, is it over a specific element, do you have a particular discipline or scope?

3. How do you manifest your magical abilities? For example, do you use a wand, hand gestures, spoken word, magical texts, spell ingredients, a combination, or none of the above?

4. Are you willing to share your magical knowledge or be called upon to come to someone's aid? Do you have limitations to how much help you're willing to provide or information willing to share?

5. Is there any interest in forming a group, council or coven to continue this conversation?

Thank you for your time.

Feb. 18th, 2018


I'd like to thank everyone who was helpful during my arrival yesterday, and apologize to anyone I alarmed.

My name is Kell Maresh. I am a blood magician, which I've come to understand sounds concerning, but I only work with my own blood.

Feb. 15th, 2018


They have some stunning jewellery here.

[Bucky Barnes (ph)]
Another raincheck? Just not today, I'm getting tipsy and mingling with locals.

[Single people who aren't Steve Rogers age 25+]
Anyone feeling single as fuck want to get a drink and see how things go? One day only offer.

Feb. 14th, 2018


So, hey. I'm here. The Hulk is gone for now I've read up on the conversations people tried to have with the Other Guy, but to be honest, I can't remember any of it.

Middle Earth, huh?


Must you swing Mjölner round inside of my skull, Brother?

Feb. 13th, 2018


Voice post


[ETA OOC: All conversations with Hulk in this post happen on Tuesday evening, since Hulk has now turned back into Bruce]

Feb. 10th, 2018


[MCU + Avengers Mansion + Friends]
It has been more than a month since we all shared a meal together, and some who have arrived haven't had that opportunity at all. I propose we all meet for dinner tomorrow evening.

Feb. 8th, 2018


Hey, this is going to sound really random but there aren't any bunnies on the ship, are there? Pets? Stowaways? Anything?

Feb. 2nd, 2018


My husband needs to invent a leash arrow for his youngest.

[Friends of the Bartons (+Papa Barton)]

Now taking applications for qualified overnight babysitters for this weekend. Be advised that Nathaniel may use anything you say or do against you. Yes, the other two are included in the package, but you can reason with them. Mostly.

Jan. 29th, 2018


At least that gave me some motivation to stick to physio. I haven't had to sit out a battle since I was too young to be in the field and I kind of felt about that old again. I've been feeling kind of stuck like it's stopped getting better but they did warn me that would happen. I just gotta keep going.

Do you think they have crossword puzzles in the library?

Jan. 28th, 2018


Rhodey is here. I do not think it's a good idea for you to speak with him right now.


I'm Colonel James Rhodes and I spent most of the last night getting caught up on the situation. If there's anything I can do to assist with reinforcing security protocols, emergency contingencies, and the like, I'll be happy to assist.

Amadeus Cho, I'm your new suitemate.

Jan. 26th, 2018


Won't be moderating group on Wednesday, need someone to take over this week. I'll be back to running it the following week.

I'll throw in some kraken jerky to whoever helps out.

EDIT: Also need someone to help cover my patrol shifts next week. M - TH, 1 AM - 4 AM.

EDIT 2: If you need your shift covered while you recover, let me know. We'll get people to cover you.

Need people to cover some shifts:

SUNDAY: 7 PM - 10 PM - JO
MONDAY: 7 PM - 10 PM - CISCO | 1 AM - 4 AM - NAT
WEDNESDAY: 7 PM - 10 PM - JO | 1 AM - 4 AM - NAT | 4 AM - 7 AM - CISCO
THURSDAY: 1 AM - 4 AM - NAT | 1 AM - 4 AM - JASON


[ Filter: MCU Crew + Any Dupes ]

I would like to request that you all check in with me here as to your status.

Jan. 19th, 2018


Found the tavern. Someone come get me for when it's time for me to patrol.

So. I fucked up. Remind me to stop doing that, will you?

[ooc; Triggers for talk of death, depression, and suicide in comments.]


I cannot be the only one who is incredibly disturbed by hearing that we will be given temporary gills for swimming underwater. Net, spasibo.

DM to Gaby
I would like to take you to dinner and to see one of the ancient plays, if you are willing.

Jan. 18th, 2018


more water??

Jan. 16th, 2018


Since we've mostly got our battle plans sorted I want to talk about evacuations as well. There's getting to be a lot of us and in a crisis things get confusing so knowing in advance what to do will go a long way to making sure it goes right.

• Almost all the time when an evacuation alert goes out there's not going to be time to do much except get to the lifeboats on Deck 6. You should probably check where they are at some point so you know where you're going.
• A lot of us have pets and I know no one wants to leave them behind. If they're out with you that's not much of a problem but otherwise you should pick one person per suite to go and grab them if there's enough time. We have to be realistic that sometimes there won't be, and I'm not just saying that for everyone else - I always have at least my budgies that are confined to their cage and sometimes my Eevee stays behind too.
• Relatedly, Rogue suggested that it might be a good idea to pack a go bag for emergencies so that if there is a little more time you can grab it instead of trying to figure out in the moment what to bring. You shouldn't need to worry about food and things, so it's better to pack light so we don't take up too much space. A few clothes, medications, things you really don't want to leave behind.

Now the important bit, not leaving anyone behind. We need a way to know who's already boarded a lifeboat and who hasn't, which Tony should be able to do using the bracelets. (I'm assuming?) We also need a couple of people for each floor who can do a quick sweep to make sure everyone's left and to make sure the lifeboats are boarded efficiently. You will most likely be the last people to leave, so keep that in mind. For floors 1-4 and 7-10 that'll probably be banging on doors, for the others a quick check of all the public areas. Then when that's done, get to Deck 6 to help load.

I've only evacuated towns and cities before so please weigh in on any of this ^ if you think there's a better way of doing things. And if you want to be a floor monitor or floor captain or whatever, sign up here. 18+, minors should go directly to the lifeboats. Everyone else make sure you know who's responsible for the floors you spend most time on.

adding: Since each accommodation deck has their own lifeboat, based on Anakin's experience it's best to stick to what's been assigned. People responsible for clearing the matching floors will also have the final call on when to launch, even if someone's missing. So, make sure you have a decent idea of who should be there and make note of whether any of them are clearing public decks and can be expected to take a little longer. Tech, I'd still like a way to check people off as they board lifeboats if we can so we know if anyone hasn't turned up. The way people come and go it's going to be more reliable than memory.

Other things people have pointed out
• Make sure your floor coordinators know who's in charge of fetching pets so they can expect who'll be around
• There was talk about swimming lessons for anyone who doesn't know how which I would definitely recommend, having literally been marooned on a Caribbean island
• Gansey's going to check with the robots to see if there's a way to teach some people to row. We do have a couple people with water powers which would be the ideal but let's try not to rely on it.

List of decks )

Jan. 15th, 2018


DECK 9 DEFENSE GROUP (includes Eliot, Kylo Ren, Cloud Strife, Jason Todd, Wanda Maximoff (MCU), anyone else who signs up)
Hi, guys. If you don't know/remember me, I'm Rose Hathaway. We've all been assigned to deck 9 if all hell breaks loose here and I thought it would be smart for us all to talk and come up with a plan so it's not all chaos up here if something does happen.

I don't know you guys that well, so maybe let's start by talking about our strengths. It'll help us figure out how we can best work together.

For me, I'm a fighter. I was raised to be a kind of bodyguard and to protect people against a type of vampire we call strigoi. I trained hard to be fast and strong. I don't have formal training in a lot of weapons, but I pick them up quick and can usually fight with whatever's close by. I'm probably best as fighting things that are bigger and stronger than me and I'm definitely going to me more useful at close up fighting than anything at a distance. I also have more enhanced senses than most people, so I can see pretty well in the dark and hear things most humans wouldn't pick up.

So, that's me. What can the rest of you do?

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