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Aug. 24th, 2017


(016) Credence Barebone

New York was large, and I think I always knew that, but I never really felt like I knew it well. So traveling somewhere like DC in this time was incredibly enlightening and I am glad to have had the opportunity to do it.

[Filter: Albus]
Are they still doing the school for people with special powers? I think that might make more sense for me than the high school.

If they could handle the magic.

Aug. 19th, 2017


I am not sure if I am disappointed that I didn't turn into a lego. I had not heard of them before, but I think it would be a curious experience.

Jul. 20th, 2017


Right, so, you all remember that plant we've got back home? Sweetums? Makes all the corn syrup crap? It's definitely here. It doesn't look the way it does back home. Less industrial, really. But the company is definitely here. Huge sign and all. I figure big company like that probably has dozens of factories.

Anyways, we got to talking to some of the workers, and one man was reading a magazine outside. One of the old LIFE ones? Asked if I could see it and it was dated for July 1953.

He told me it was the current issue.

Jul. 16th, 2017


This town definitely loves cashing in on alien crashes.

Jul. 11th, 2017


[...] I don't believe there is an easy way to say this when it happens but Nymphadora disappeared this morning. I apologize for not saying anything until now but [...] there were matters that needed attended to and I [...]

[...] I'm sorry.

Jul. 9th, 2017


(Backdated to the morning of July 8th, after this)

Hello, everyone. I'm sorry to have to reach out to you all in this manner but it seems the most efficient way to reach everyone. I'm going to keep this brief and if you have questions please feel free to ask them there.

Yesterday, one of the members of the X-Men was at the Carnival grounds and aiding in the clean up of the area. While at the grounds, she used her powers publicly. The Military proceeded to arrest her and keep her in custody for a large portion of the day. From my understanding, they were holding her overnight and should be releasing her at some point today. This is the first incident we've seen where the Military has responded to an outward display of power in such a manner.

With this in mind, I think it is important that we try to keep a low profile. The majority of us have operated under the Statue of Secrecy before. I think it is best if we all go back to operating under that type of mindset, at least when we are out in public.

Petunia, you live with the other major type of Wizards, do you not? Would you mind telling them this information as well?

If you have any questions, like I said, you can ask them here or reach out privately to myself, Bill or Emmeline.


Pardon me. While the welcoming pamphlets were quite informative I would like a bit more information on what precisely has happened to me. Most of all the why. That does not seem to be included in any of the papers or the speeches given by so many.

Jul. 7th, 2017


I need to go out for the evening. I'm not sure when I will be back. Will you two watch Helena and make sure to put her to bed on time?

And if you have any trouble, contact Clara or my Grandfather.

I'm going to meet with a few people this evening. I've asked the kids to watch Helena, but have told then if they need help with anything, to contact one of you. Is that alright?

Jun. 30th, 2017


I was walking outside today and I left my shoes there. When I went to put them on later, I found a lizard hiding inside of my left shoe. It was very surprising. I think I will keep it. I am considering names and will try to find a nice home for it and food that it will like.

Jun. 24th, 2017


Well the Pre-Pride Parade party was fun last night. I enjoyed the silent auction.

Jun. 23rd, 2017


I'm very excited about the summer theatre's production of Romeo and Juliet. If anyone is interested in participating, we could still use help.

I'm really proud of the progress you're making in preparing for the play. By this rate, we'll be ready in July. In the meantime, I will continue to read for Romeo until such a time as a replacement can be found.

If any of you are interested, please come forward. I would be happy to discuss it with you.

And without our set painter, if no one is interested in continuing to paint, what do you say to making the stage progressive? There are plenty of spaces across the castle which would be appropriate for Verona.

Jun. 21st, 2017


Hey, Freddie, I think we let the Ogden's sit too long. I'm hallucinating Texas. Or maybe that's just the 'special' part of special reserve, eh?

Jun. 14th, 2017


[Filtered against those listed here; Edit: Added filter against Sam Wilson]
Alright. Something is clearly up with a number of people here. I'm thinking we might need to form random patrols to try and keep the town and the people safe. And quite possibly start figuring out ways to contain those who've had a change of heart so they don't hurt anyone, including themselves, until we get this figured out.

Jun. 9th, 2017


I'm kinda torn. Wasn't really here long enough to get the classes needed to graduate. So I got the option of doing like a GED thing so I don't have to repeat senior year or I could just stick with enduring high school again. And that has the option of football, which is a passion of mine.


So, I'm starting to get use to this place. Not like there is much to get use to in the way of nature.

Jun. 5th, 2017


I have been wondering if anyone from Hogwarts has their school books with them or remembers all the spells that they have learned so I can finish school. I also missed the lessons on apparating. I would like to learn how now that I am not kidnapped or fighting in a war.

May. 26th, 2017


It is so very warm here. I am not used to it. I have not been very warm places before. I think I do not feel very well. I have used charms to keep cool, but they need to be redone so often. And the sun has turned my skin red.

May. 24th, 2017


Sucks about Ringling Bros.

Where are kids supposed to run away to now? Or like, circus people.

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