June 2020




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Aug. 5th, 2017


Uh... huh. 2017? Texas? Shady military operation? I kinda just want to go back to history class, please and thank you.

Jul. 31st, 2017


I'm probably one of the few that are sad to see those baddies go. Yeah, ok, don't really want the whole backwards mindsets and drought and shit, but having a good fight was a nice change of pace.

[Jason Scott]
Need any practice time? I got too much on my mind and could use with some football tossing.


august 9th is my birthday

unrelated but worth mentioning is that i prefer chocolate cake

Jul. 7th, 2017


Hey, so, anyone that was interested by the soccer game that's being rescheduled, me and Jason are over at the high school field with some soccer balls. Y'know, just some low key fooling 'round stuff. Practice, some drills, maybe some two on two stuff. Or if you just wanna learn what the game is so you got more of an idea of what you're in for when Kitty's got the game set up, you can come on over too.


So I know everyone just got done with the carnival and all, but I'm still in the mood to hang. Anyone wanna come to the mansion tonight and play a bit of soccer?


(Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts.)

Jun. 14th, 2017


[Filtered against those listed here; Edit: Added filter against Sam Wilson]
Alright. Something is clearly up with a number of people here. I'm thinking we might need to form random patrols to try and keep the town and the people safe. And quite possibly start figuring out ways to contain those who've had a change of heart so they don't hurt anyone, including themselves, until we get this figured out.

Jun. 9th, 2017


I'm kinda torn. Wasn't really here long enough to get the classes needed to graduate. So I got the option of doing like a GED thing so I don't have to repeat senior year or I could just stick with enduring high school again. And that has the option of football, which is a passion of mine.


Figures that Ava would bail right before graduation. It's like she finally realized there'd be no more school and just nope-d so hard at it that she left the whole universe.

May. 23rd, 2017


Even though it got trashed in an accident, I miss my truck.

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