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May 14th, 2020

[info]spacehair in [info]thedisplaced

Who: River & The Doctor (13)
What: Getting acquainted.
When: Shortly after the space cruise.
Where: The TARDIS.
Ratings/Warnings: Low.
Status: Complete.

It was time she got better acquainted with her wife. )

[info]granger_danger in [info]thedisplaced

Certainly didn’t take long for more insanity to ensue, did it?

I think if it were up to Rose we would have a whole menagerie. She’s tried to bring in more animals than I can count at this point. I can’t really blame her, but we certainly don’t have the space for all of them at the moment. Good thing I’ve got my list started and appointments set up.

[info]cowboyswagger in [info]thedisplaced

[Filter to Isobel]
This is still going on and I still owe you for that rescue, so...

You get one evening, no holds barred, make-over fun time. Plan it well.

[info]buckthesystem in [info]thedisplaced

Hey, kid Steve says Goddamnit how do you Someone we both know seems to think it's a good idea that you and me talk. Figured I'd lead with that since I know I wouldn't buy someone messaging me out of the blue just to be nice. Get a feeling you would see through that kinda bullshit too.

I'm Bucky. Heard you know another Bucky.

[info]usernamesrhard in [info]thedisplaced

Seriously, when's the portal gonna do something good? All I want is super powers or unlimited wealth.

I'll even stop complaining about school for that. PORTAL, HELP A GUY OUT

[info]herbalism in [info]thedisplaced

Thursday, May 14, 11PM

So, I know we are kind of in a bind with things being different and all, but I thought I'd put a fair warning out there for everyone who has gotten into the habits of shaking trees for money.

Sometimes, you don't get money. Sometimes, you get a full damn sofa fall on you. That's a thing now too!

Injuries and possible concussion are no longer an issue though, so I'll still be at the restaurant tomorrow morning. And considering moving the sectional sofa into the upcoming treehouse.