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February 29th, 2020

[info]behindthemask in [info]thedisplaced


WHO: Ben Waugh-Solo
WHEN: Sunday morning, obscenely early
WHERE: Galactic Coffee Roasters.
SUMMARY: Prepping stock for the week, and considering nightmares and fears past and present.
WARNINGS: None, but TROS happenings are referenced so spoiler alert.

The nightmares had subsided with Maleficent's disappearance )

[info]communism in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Sabrina Spellman]
-- You can cover for me again?

[info]qrow in [info]thedisplaced

ᴡʜᴏ: Clover Ebi & Qrow Branwen
ᴡʜᴀᴛ: Clover wakes up with Qrow sitting next to him yet again.
ᴡʜᴇɴ: Shortly after the big Maleficent showdown
ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Medical Services
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Minor injuries, major stupidity, enough mutual pining to choke a Grimm.

We’ve got to stop meeting like this. )

[info]formvoltron in [info]thedisplaced

[earlier in the day]

[Filter to Voltron]
You guys ready for a leap on up to the moon?

And do you want to keep it as just us?

[added a little later] [Filter to Alice Quinn]
Hey, so, are you busy? Because it's actually Leap Day and even though... even though he's not around, we were going to take Black up to the moon to celebrate today. Do you want to come along?

[info]goofusdawg in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Once Upon a Pie]
Since we've had so many new folk around the store lately, I was hopin I might take about a week off and pack up some of Max and Aria's things since I might be movin.

Course I can still come in if I'm needed

[info]altean in [info]thedisplaced

Saturday, Feb 29, 10:52PM

If Shiro had still been here, we would have been having a small celebration for him and probably bringing out a cake that says "Happy 7th birthday". He always grumbled about it, but I am sure he didn't entirely hate us teasing him for his leap year birthday.

Meanwhile, I'm relieved that the curse has been lifted and people no longer think everything out of my mouth is a lie. The mice are back as well, and thankfully, they were never taken, but just had a vacation of their own outside of the castle. What they have been up to, I couldn't tell you, but supposedly, they have befriended more pets around town than they had before.