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January 21st, 2020

[info]ruination in [info]thedisplaced

Tuesday, Jan 21, 6:02PM

Two things:
1. If you happen to be wondering how to deal with the geese after you collect them, I'm pretty sure I have a couple of recipes around to make some really good dishes for a weekend family dinner.

2. I'm going to just go ahead and announce now that I'm having a 25% off sale for anyone who books me before February 1st for makeup and hair for their lovely Valentine's Day dinner date.

Unless you're vegetarian and vehemently against and offended by people eating animals, during which I may have just shot myself in the foot for making that first announcement along with my second.

[info]walkman in [info]thedisplaced

I'm halfway through the great 2020 Kevin Bacon watch. Of what I've seen so far, got to say, Tremors has been the most fun. There's been some duds, of course, and I think I can firmly say I'll never be watching Hollow Man again, but all and all? Been an enjoyable start to the year.

Anyone got a suggestion for which I should do next? No real rhyme or reason to how I've been picking my choices thus far. I've mostly been going off the cover art.

Personally? I'm eying R.I.P.D. Seems a nice tone shift after Stir of Echoes.

[info]mrmom in [info]thedisplaced

You know what I miss and this town needs?

A bowling alley.

Anyone up for a drive out of town for a few hours of laser bowl? Maybe this weekend?

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedisplaced

I've been thinking about spring break. I know it's still a couple months away, but I really want a good spring break away from Tumbleweed. Somewhere I've never been that's really brilliant to see. I've got a TARDIS and a portal that won't let me travel to other worlds or time, so that's limiting.

I thought about Everest, but I'm not sure there's a spot to land her. Then I thought about the Mojave, and that just seemed really cool for a bit, but then it's just sand. Ideally, I'd like to DO something. I'm not really a beach person — at least not the lying on the beach, tanning sort of beaches. British skin. Tends to burn.

What's your favourite place on this planet?

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

I've baked, I've downloaded Muppet Treasure Island and I've thought up aforementioned Muppet Treasure Island themed cocktails. All of this is to say that you should really come indulge me with your company.

What do you think?

Fen, dearest, it's been nearly eight months. Do you think it is safe to say we're in the clear and perhaps we can start discussing a name?

Did you want to go tour some schools here soon? Or are you thinking University of Tumbleweed is going to be the one?

[info]theordinaryone in [info]thedisplaced

You stopped answering.

Are you considering seeing some kind of healer?

[info]numberfour in [info]thedisplaced

I thought I was seeing things, but then I realized I wasn't and I think I just got pranked by a goose? This has been a thoroughly terrible day.