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January 16th, 2020

[info]lookslikelucy in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Duke]

Have any weird dreams lately? (This is me checking in today)

[info]will_solace in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Richie]

Hey, so, it looks like maybe the whole truth thing is back to normal? If that's the case, how are you in algebra because I need some help.

[Private to Louie]

Thanks for inviting me to the game day. I had lots of fun! I know I picked flute to try for band and I'm actually kind of liking it, but is there one you'd like for me to play sometimes with your drums?

[info]herbalism in [info]thedisplaced

Wednesday, Jan 15, 10PM

Two weeks late, but I just wanted to thank everyone again for coming to the grand opening of Satyrs. For any future events, Satyrs will be private parties or even catering. We're open everyday for a meal starting at 10AM, then a break mid afternoon (3PM to 5PM), between lunch and dinner, and then we'll be open till midnight on Thursdays to Saturday, and till 11PM on Sundays to Wednesdays.

And you know what? I just realized the awkwardness of naming the restaurant Satyrs and having it open in the month of January because it was around this time last month that I remember actually BEING a satyr on another island. Haha, I told myself I would never think about that time again and yet. YET.

I swear to god there is no magic like that on the restaurant.

Filter: Katie Bell
Weird question but you wouldn't happen to have veritaserum lying around, would you? Or a method that you all use to reverse engineer a truth-spitting potion?

[info]alwaystoolate in [info]thedisplaced

Thursday, Jan 16, 9:58PM

Someone make me useful somewhere. I'm starting to do the same thing over and over again, which is probably nice from what I'm used to in my world, but I need more to do.

Lorna, let's go to another country and fight crime or something.

[info]pinkpistol in [info]thedisplaced

[Text to Lauren Strucker]
--Hey. Blow off whatever and let's go to England this weekend

[info]controlshadows in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Anakin Solo & Nico Di Angelo
WHEN: January 3 some time after this
WHERE: Anakin's new yacht.
SUMMARY: Anakin and Nico take Anakin’s Christmas present up into space for a test drive.
WARNINGS: None I think.

Technically I can fly this alone, but a co-pilot isn't a bad thing. You want the gig? )