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December 2nd, 2019

[info]balancetheforce in [info]thedisplaced

Filtered to GFFA: Anakin Skywalker

[FILTERED to people from a galaxy far, far away aka "Star Wars people"]

I've been thinking about what we saw on that "VHS" data tape. I don't know how many of you watched it, too, and who would want to discuss it, but I think we should. Especially those of us who have a connection to the Force.

That "world between worlds" as Ahsoka called it on the tape— we've seen things like it before, on Mortis. "Episodes" about that apparently exist here. I can't draw nearly as well as Sabine but I can try to render symbols that I remember, they may or may not watch up to whatever those episodes show, but I saw things on that tape that were very similar. I wish we still had a copy to study and compare.

On Mustafar

[info]cutsthewire in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Friends and Family of Morgan Stark
WHEN: Monday, December 2, 6 PM
WHERE: Stark Lake House
WHAT: It's Morgan's birthday!

Come celebrate the tiny Stark's fifth birthday with dinner and, more importantly, dessert. It's a pretty informal, laid-back affair as far as Stark gatherings go, but Morgan is just happy to be spending time with her people and being the center of attention.

[info]chainsawheart in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Ronan & Gansey
WHAT: Insomniacs up at night
WHEN: Like a week ago, a little before Thanksgiving (backdated)
WHERE: The Barns
WARNINGS: Heavy on the feels

”...” )

[info]vendaai in [info]thedisplaced

Breq and I would like to invite you all to a holiday fundraiser dinner on December 7th, starting at 5 PM. Because we will also be opening this up to the general public, it will be hosted in the warehouse we have converted into a community center instead of on Station, located at [address].

Tickets will be sold at the door on a sliding scale, and the funds raised will go towards our efforts to provide food, safe spaces, and support in finding housing, jobs, and medical care for those without. Many foods that are considered typical holiday fare on this planet will be provided, and we would love it if anyone also wanted to bring their favorite holiday foods to share. We are still learning about all the Earth cultures, as well as all the cultures you have brought with you, and this is another very helpful way of donating to the cause.

If you're interested in volunteering your time and energy, either at the event or at other times, let myself or Breq know. We would be glad to have your help.

What traditions do you two have for the holiday season?

[info]bestbitch in [info]thedisplaced

[Weasley crew]
Fred and I are going to host Christmas over at our place this year. I'm not sure if you guys want Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas brunch/lunch/dinner. So let us know and we'll make it work.

[info]imclever in [info]thedisplaced

Are we supposed to get presents for everybody for Christmas? Jut people we know? Just the people we like? How many things do you get a person here?

And what day is it? Is it the 25th of December or the 7th of January?

[info]firststeps in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Rey & Han Solo
WHEN: November 1st (Backdated)
WHERE: Han's Falcon
WHAT: Rey goes to check on Han
TRIGGERS: Post Zombie Apocalypse Emotions

I miss anything good? )