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November 21st, 2019

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedisplaced

Baelfire was among the first of us to arrive at Mount Weather. He was so much more than just a Lost Boy, and I, for one, will not forget him.

Bae made paintings and drawings while he was here. I know there were a few that he said if he ever disappeared I could have. I was wondering if I could come by and take a look.

[info]summersgirl in [info]thedisplaced

(015) Buffy Summers

Hey there.

[info]numberfour in [info]thedisplaced

Things have been horrible, but at least I have this. Choosing a ringtone is going to be so hard.

[info]iwontfollow in [info]thedisplaced

With being new to this planet, I've been attempting to teach myself about the variation in cultural holidays that the people here enjoy. I am to understand there are a large variety coming up soon clustered around the lunar solstice?


I keep worrying that I'll open my eyes and you'll be gone.


I am very sorry, Louie.

[The Doctor(12)]

Word has it that you've broken atmosphere.

[info]iwontfollow in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Padmé and Sabé
WHEN: Shortly after Nov 9
WHERE: Padmé's apartments
WHAT: Two Amidalas sit down to drink and spill the tea
TRIGGERS: Mentions of death and grief including (presumed) baby.

Joy had brought Padmé near distraction... )

[info]whatisgrrmdoing in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]
You're Selina Kyle's guardian, right?

[info]theodinson in [info]thedisplaced

I'm sorry to hear about those who lost friends and loved ones in the most recent disappearance.

How often do those happen here? While I'm happy to see my friends, and a version of my brother who doesn't appear to be up to his usual tricks, I am eager to get back to my is it mine? I think it might be stolen ship with the last of Asgard's People.

Is there a schedule perhaps?