June 2020



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September 1st, 2018

[info]deeringdo in [info]thedisplaced

Don't worry, team, I've found you another player. My grandson, James Sirius Potter. Give him a big Quidditch welcome!

Also, please nominate and take a team vote on your new Captain. You can do it right now, or decide later as a team. I just need to know who you picked before your first game on September 9th so I can make sure your new Cap knows all their duties. The very first one is, of course, running practices and helping to identify what your team needs to work on. I can help with that too if you want to come to any of the Quidditch lessons at the Pit.

Good luck!

EDIT: Seeing as another spot just opened up on your team, I've also added a new beater to your ranks. Please welcome Drax to the team as well.

*James Sirius, Flash Thompson, Max Guevara, America Chavez, Fred Weasley, Sam Winchester, Thalia Grace. ADDED LATER: Drax

(added later)
Hey. You interested in playing Quidditch on a team?

[info]behindthemask in [info]thedisplaced

(044) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Rey]
I'm getting married.

Have you talked to Lu

[info]sonofjupiter in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Jason Grace & Open
WHAT: Jason goes for a walk.
WHEN: Saturday Afternoon.
WHERE: At ⚡as he is checking out his new home of Tumbleweed. Please, come say hello!

Jason Grace had spent most of his time since arriving with the rest of his friends. )

[info]everybodymambo in [info]thedisplaced

who: Max Goof & Aria Montgomery
when: Backdated to the start of the Toon Town plot
where: Max and Aria's room at Team America House
What: Max is a cartoon. Aria is startled. Max panics.
warnings: Nah
status: Complete.

What’s going on in that head of yours? )

[info]anoshe in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Alucard Emery & Rhy Maresh
WHAT: A proposal~
WHEN: August 25th
WHERE: A boat, off Isla del Espiritu Santo, Mexico
WARNINGS: Absolute gay cuteness

I want to be yours, here. Officially, beyond any shadow of a doubt. )

[info]lillies_ in [info]thedisplaced

This morning at the farmer's market, I found more fresh fruit and veggies than I could carry, practically!

I know it's not quite autumn yet, but I foresee many apple pies in my future! I always forget how many different sorts of apples there are!

Not to mention, I picked up something called dinosaur egg plums - I've never seen them before but they taste absolutely wonderful!