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August 7th, 2018

[info]king_quentin in [info]thedisplaced

who: Quentin Coldwater & Napoleon Solo
when: Saturday, August 4th
where: New Orleans, the hotel room
What: Taking some time to catch up and give/get comfort
warnings: Nothing really?
status: complete.

I’ve missed you )

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

[Erik Lehnsherr]
When do you wanna do the next time with Anka Irene and Nina?

Can it be at your place?

And are ya good with it just being her that comes over?

[info]behindthemask in [info]thedisplaced

(042) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Fen]
Can I talk something out with you?

[Filter: Margo & Fen after this]
If you aren't too busy Eliot's birthday is this weekend. Fen and I are wondering if you had plans.

[info]flyfightwin in [info]thedisplaced

black ops group! )

[info]eight_seven in [info]thedisplaced

So [...] I meant to tell you earlier than this, but Poe and I remember [...] more.

[Justice of Toren & Seivarden Vendaai]
Hi again. I was wondering if you both wanted to do something together? I know you have plenty of food and tea, so I was thinking we could go to the zoo or maybe I could just show you around where we keep the airplanes.

[Poe Dameron]
Don't make plans for Friday.

[info]blackleader in [info]thedisplaced

(038) Poe Dameron

[Filter: Leia Organa (Canon)]
Finn might have mentioned this already, but I wanted you to know I remember everything.

And I wanted to say also, though I know it doesn't mean much of anything. I'm really sorry. I kinda made a mess of things.