June 2020



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July 23rd, 2018

[info]slymshady in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to X-men+ and Tina Cohen-Chang, Carol Danvers, & Natasha Romanoff]
We've been approached by the Resettlement Bureau about setting up childcare for kids who are too young for our summer course. I know this is something we offer during the year--Carol, Tina, that's why I looped you in--do we have people who might be willing to step in and work with kids for this (in a paid capacity)? We can still use the school, or I supposed the barn we renovated initially for the EPS if that's preferred.

[info]matchstick in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Natasha Romanoff]
Hey. Sue told me to talk to you about this babysitting thing she volunteered me for.

[info]ezekieljones in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, so I can appreciate how clingy you guys are being right now, I do have to go see a lady for a commission she hired me for a few months ago. Am I going to this meeting alone or are there going to be two shadows following me?

Also, my friend Ron wants to let us give his nerdy girlfriend a tour of the place. Are you guys okay with letting them come by at some point? I'll just keep it to the superficial levels.

Thanks to everyone that came to look for me yesterday! Henry's nose sniffed me out - I had gotten trapped in an artifact. All good now!

[info]tinysteve in [info]thedisplaced

[Bucky Barnes (PH)]
Hey Bucky, can I ask you about something?

[info]saint_matthew in [info]thedisplaced

[Voice to Text]
Are those [...] cows walking around in the streets?

[info]thiefjuice in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, I still don't like this, and I still don't approve of leaving home. But I have been told that this is the best method to work out what is what.

I'm Parker. I don't like this. But I'm here.

Who knows how to run a business? I need tips.

[info]king_quentin in [info]thedisplaced

I found us, Julia.


Seems pretty legit.

For everyone else if you’re curious, there’s the whole playlist here

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]thedisplaced

I can't believe I'm
I'm clearly cursed, so if anyone wants to go home
Well I've done an out of state trip, and I've done an out of country trip, and there's still a month left of summer. I might do a couple more short ones but otherwise I'll probably just get some art done, retune my workout a bit, maybe see if any of my older hobbies strike my fancy again. Which is all very low key for me, so if anyone is new or bored or anything I'll probably be around. My interests and the settings I'm comfortable in are both wide and varied, as long as you don't want to debate advanced astrophysics or something incredibly specialised like that.

Otherwise I'm just going to spend all my money on paint and clay and food and have to hit up another casino or something and that really just sounds like such a hassle right now. They need so much coddling when they lose.

[info]chaserangie in [info]thedisplaced

It's just occurred to me that by the calendar here in Tumbleweed, the me back home must be up to her eyeballs in the Quidditch World Cup. It's quite unfair for it to be a world cup year without getting to enjoy one. That's two I've missed by being here. And before you say anything, no, the football one most definitely does not count. How anyone could find it entertaining to watch a bunch of blokes fall over whingeing for two hours is beyond me.

Any other Muggle sports one of you lot wants to try to sell me on?