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July 7th, 2018

[info]babycat in [info]thedisplaced

Someone suggested I go to a yard sale and look for more furniture but the last time I looked, one of the sales looked like a rainbow threw up all over it.

I have one bed, one sofa, and one coffee table for myself. Is that not enough? How the heck do people rack up so many things?? Like WHY do you need the most ridiculous shit in the world, like plates you don't even use to EAT on?

Filter: Hope Summers
I'm tired of looking for shit on my own. Let's go get some food.

[info]hashertricks in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Charles Xavier]

Dr. Strange has suggested I speak with you on a personal matter. If you are willing?

[info]nuclear in [info]thedisplaced


You need to talk to Lexa. I know you feel bad about what you did, but she doesn't know that. I can tell her til I'm blue in the face, but she needs to hear it from you.

I also don't think Murphy feels like one of us. What even is us? It's like you guys never came down. Raven has a whole life she's lived. And I don't know what you guys went through up in space for the past six years. Maybe I'm the one who feels like I'm not one of you.

How was your trip? How's Earth up north?

[info]bodyslide in [info]thedisplaced

[Natasha Romanoff]
What shifts do you need guards on the most?

[Scott Summers]
Come open the front door.

[info]mcnair in [info]thedisplaced

Anyone here not know their birthday? McNair would give me a treat and a present on mine. And Annie got me a cake once.

Does anyone want to celebrate if they don't know theirs-- today?

[info]foxtale in [info]thedisplaced

[Little House of Horrors]

So you are aware, I'll be working with Colonel Rhodes and Tony Stark on various projects as the need arises. Also, apparently Rhodey thinks it's a good idea to tell people to break into my place at 3am instead of his. Feel free to leave said people as lunch for Audrey.

[info]emeraldserpent in [info]thedisplaced

[Delivery for Thor, Carried by Hugin]

Hugin knocks at a window with his beak until someone comes to let him in to see Thor. He carries a package, unmarked, but based on the green and gold wrapping, it's probably from Loki. The package is spelled to prevent anyone other than Thor from opening it.

Inside, Thor will find a white square of paper and a Thor-themed snow globe. The paper carries Loki's signature and nothing else. The gift is his way of thanking Thor for the cooler weather.