June 2020



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June 17th, 2018

[info]lupusdei in [info]thedisplaced

who: Ethan Chandler & Charlotte Wells
when: June 13th & 14th
where: Briefly the Resettlement Bureau, mostly Charlotte Wells' residence
What: Ethan returns to Tumbleweed and in the midst of trying to wrap his mind around things, is pulled into the home of Charlotte Wells for her gathering.
warnings: References to Charlotte's profession but otherwise nah?
status: COMPLETE.

I can’t promise to be polite company, but I will do my best to be memorable. )

[info]skyhunter in [info]thedisplaced

[Camp Half-blood]
How good is this survival training probably going to be compared to camp?

[info]zoosophy in [info]thedisplaced

[Charles Xavier]
Can I sign up to go to some of the survival classes when there's nothing else happening?

[info]lupusdei in [info]thedisplaced

It's been a few days but I didn't see any rush on announcing my return. See things have changed a bit here in Tumbleweed since my last visit. Can't say I'm terribly surprised by it given the way things operate. Still, the town rearranging itself did give me just as much pause as it growing in size last year.

Not sure who is here that I made acquaintance with previously but I'll go ahead and reintroduce myself. Names Ethan Chandler.

[info]borntoresist in [info]thedisplaced

A word to the the wise. Do not engage in war with William Weasley or this will happen to you.

not an IC cut )

I lost. I lost hard.

[info]slymshady in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Friends* and X+ filter]
He came in yesterday, but I'd like everyone to meet Jacob Liam Grey Summers.

cut for image )

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]thedisplaced

Happy father's day to my dads wherever you are in the multiverse. You can come to this one anytime, you know.

[info]docbrucebanner in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Bruce Banner, Betty Ross
When: Friday, June 1, as the Summer Ball winds down.
Where: Starts out at Maresh Palace, but mostly on the streets of Tumbleweed
What: Bruce walks Betty home and the relationship is among the topics of discussion.
Warnings: Low
Status: Complete in Gdocs

Good night, Bruce... )

[info]cutslike in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Eliot, Fen & Kylo Ren
What: They have “the talk” -- a conversation in two parts.
When: Monday, June 11th, after this.
Where: The Physical Cottage
Warnings: Awkward politeness.
Status: Complete in gdocs

Part One: I don’t feel like your spouse. )

Part Two: We’ll get there. )

[info]thehuttslayer in [info]thedisplaced

Do you know what today is on this planet?
Happy father's day, Han.

[info]yellowpaladin in [info]thedisplaced

Well, I went to a used car lot looking for a car to get, and I ended up finding something else instead.

It needs some work, and I still need to decide what kind of food I want to use it for, but owning my own food truck has always been something that sounds really cool. I just need to look into permits, costs of running it, that sort of thing.

...Might have been of an impulsive decision, but why not do something that I love while I'm here? I like cooking at the Crashdown, but it'll be so much cooler to run my own place.

[info]secretwife in [info]thedisplaced

Since it seems that today is a day to honor fathers and last month I missed the day to honor mothers thanks to that powers issue, I would like to say that my parents, Jobal and Ruwee Naberrie, are two of the most wonderful people that I have ever known. I only hope that I do them both honor with every action I take, and I can't help but hope they both one day arrive in Tumbleweed.

Leia - both of you - if you haven't had the opportunity to meet them, I hope that you do someday. And the same for you, Kylo and Anakin.

[info]ex_uravity316 in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Scott Summers]

We don't really celebrate Father's Day where I'm from, but I thought I'd wish you a very happy first Father's Day! Jacob is very lucky to have you!

Also, you've been a lot like to dad to me since I've arrived here, so consider this a Happy Father's Day from me, too!

[Filtered to Cassie]

I want to get Scott a Father's Day present. I've never been shopping for one before, so I have no idea what you're supposed to get. Will you help me?

[info]king_quentin in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Eliot Waugh]
Happy Father's Day.

[Private to friends]
So who wants to do something that is probably an exercise in avoidance?

I keep hoping I'll look up and it'll be tomorrow I miss my

Freeform is showing Disney movies. It's been a pretty good distraction from basically everything. It's also reminded me how long it's been since I've seen The Lion King.

[info]changingtide in [info]thedisplaced

I'd like to thank my kids for thanking me for being their dad on this most festive day.

[info]uprise in [info]thedisplaced

Father's Day. A day to remember that your father got floated and spend the remainder of the day feeling like shit.