June 2020



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May 14th, 2018

[info]king_quentin in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Sam Wilson (Captain America)]
I know there’s a lot going on in your camp, but when it’s time for our next session, can I get a list of psychiatrists? I used to be on medication before Brakebills but Dean Fogg said I didn’t need them because I had magic. Only the thing about that is that magic, not surprisingly, doesn’t cure depression and I don’t really want to revisit the ‘forever bad decisions and crippling depression cycle’ and I’m not making great decisions even with the addition of ‘happiness is achievable’ memories. And the meds kept me a little more even keel when I actually took them, so probably I should at least explore it as a thing that will help for real and not just talk to my friends about how I should and do nothing.

[info]rebornhunter in [info]thedisplaced

You know what's more unnerving when you figure out what your power is and you can sense the dead and dying all around you? When it all goes quiet. So, just so anyone knows, if you can tell that about someone around you and you just know if one of our own is a ghost, and also if this set of bow and arrows is near you? You have my powers.

And I have your super strength and ability to fly. Yes, camp, the shattered door is my fault. I'll fix it.

[info]ofrivertribe in [info]thedisplaced

Filter: Team Wakanda
I am in need of some guidance. I have seemed to develop some sort of fire-starting abilities and I lit my entire bedsheets on fire.

[info]winterfalcon in [info]thedisplaced

filtered to Steve Rogers; cut for Jay bc of back pain stuff, potentially also Infinity War spoilers )

[info]myvalue in [info]thedisplaced

I thought I had managed to escape the portal's shenanigans this time around, but then I ended up breaking the bathroom sink by leaning on it a bit too hard. I haven't quite attempted anything else to see what else this might entail. Apologies to anyone who might be missing some extra strength today.

[info]iceage in [info]thedisplaced

So how do I know if I'm a Jedi or a Sith? Do we have Sith? I mean technically sort of. Maybe.

And where is Hank for this?

Ahsoka can I borrow a lightsaber?

[info]unicornsforall in [info]thedisplaced

[Betsy and Warren]
On a scale of 1-10 how bad is throwing knife feathers at a teacher?

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

If anyone's got an ability that they can't handle or is hurting you, let me know and I can siphon some of it off and give ya a reprieve for a few hours to a couple of days, depending on what you're needing.

And no it don't matter what kind of ability from magic to inhuman to vampire to a god. I've done them all.

[info]itschotime in [info]thedisplaced

Food truck hours this week: Monday to Friday, 10 to 3. Councils 7, 6, 7, 2, 9. Serving traditional Korean and KoMex fusion. Cash, credit, e-pay. If you have a special request, leave it here.

[Texts to Tony Stark (904913)]
I'm not smart enough to come into work so I'm calling out. o7

[info]controlmyown in [info]thedisplaced

I am exhausted I apologise for not speaking up before this, but it seems that my powers are some of those that another may have at this time. If you need assistance with them, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

[info]harvelle in [info]thedisplaced

So I'm pretty sure I've got Hogwarts-style magic right now.

[info]otkazatsya in [info]thedisplaced

Well, my class should certainly be interesting this week. Whether you're learning new powers or learning how to deal with not having them, you're welcome to come and practice with us. Nonmagical defense against magic, Monday - Friday, 4 - 5:30 PM at the Howlett Gym.

For once I will actually be on the "powered" side of things, and who knows how long that will last, so I recommend that you don't miss it.

Also: if you are not fully in control of your new powers, please let me know if you intend to come so I can prepare the appropriate safety measures.

[info]awerewolf in [info]thedisplaced

Kurama, you're a ghost, aren't you?

[info]subject89p13 in [info]thedisplaced

[FILTERED TO GUARDIANS (you, too, Nebula and Yondu)]
ok here's the ground rules because i'm updating them for the house

no one gets sucked back home through that portal

no one moves out

groot's taking mantis's old room

and we're gonna do some dinner together tonight because i want an excuse to make 10 packages of bacon

[info]royalpaininthe in [info]thedisplaced

I imagine someone is growing hungry by now and quite interested in certain pulse points. Speak to me if so. As far as I'm aware, I'm the only vampire here who's actually alive, biologically speaking. Ergo, you should still have a heartbeat and need to breathe.

[info]recruitable in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Gaby Teller & Napoleon Solo
What: Gaby and Napoleon discuss the nature of family and try to put the past behind them.
Where: Their suite on the cruise ship.
When: The night after the pirate attack.
Warnings: None.

It's been hell of a week, hasn't it? )

[info]imtheavatar in [info]thedisplaced


[info]uprise in [info]thedisplaced

Okay so something weird just fucking happened.

I. We. Are freaking out.

[info]leo_valdez in [info]thedisplaced

Okay. Does anyone have fire abilities that they suddenly just got or know someone that does? I've been trying to figure out where my powers went and I haven't seen anything or heard anything. Additionally, if you do have the ability to control fire, put your hand on the nearest mechanical thing. If tou can tell how things work just by touching it, that’s mine. Or try building something. It should be easy.

[info]lucypreston in [info]thedisplaced

I need a new show to binge watch. Real Housewives can only get me so far.

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedisplaced

It's strange... being alive again. Having a heartbeat.

How are you coping? The lack of heartbeat took me some time to adjust to. The feeling of it in your chest, the rush of blood through your ears... You don't really think about it until it's gone and then everything just feels ... empty.

I try to fill it with as much talking or music as I can. Something to keep me from thinking about it. I hope that helps.