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April 22nd, 2018

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

Text to Kylo
» have you sejen fray?

[info]elliebloodstone in [info]thedisplaced

Poker night. 6pm, my place. [address] Dress to impress.

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

Right so, I ain’t sure when we’ll be actually needing this, but I’ve gone and set up an emergency location for the Displaced for whenever shit hits the fan and we can’t go staying here in Tumbleweed. While I’d really like something like those bracelets we all had on the cruise for teleporting everyone no matter where they might be to be around for use, they just ain’t. Hit me up if’n ya think you can make something like that.

I’ve been working to finish adding up housing options and gotten some people to help limit the path of the local fauna that might’ve caused us all some issues if they were allowed to run around everywhere. It runs on solar power and backup generators. Wind power is getting installed soon once I figure out where would be best to go setting it up. There’s a greenhouse that’s already up and running and livestock are getting settled in this week.

[Pretend there's some pictures inserted here for everyone to see.]

So if’n you’re wanting access to it, what you’re gonna need is a portal set up in your house or your place of business (if its Displaced owned). Put your name down here if ya want in and we’ll get ya set up. Just like on the cruise, only the Displaced will be able to head through them there and back.

Hopefully it won't need to be used, but better to have something in place than not.

[info]keithno in [info]thedisplaced

[Filter to Shiro]
So, one good thing about this new Tumbleweed: it has an airfield. With some smaller planes from what I can see too. Want to look into what we'd need to take one of them up in the air here?

[info]ydidueatmyfries in [info]thedisplaced

[Filter: Friends of Marceline*]
You are going to get a portal. If you do not get a portal we are going to have problems.

(*Marceline was pretty liberal with this filter. Please feel free to assume you're included, even if you only had one interaction with her that one time.)

[LATER, Filter: Neal, Emma & Regina]
So, you're all getting portals, right?

[EVEN LATER, Filter 3: Henry Mills]
Yo, Henry.

[info]recruitable in [info]thedisplaced

>> I caved and let him drive on the way home.

cut for a photo of an unusually smiley Illya )

>> Thanks for letting us spend the weekend with Amelia.

[info]anoshe in [info]thedisplaced

Part 1

WHO: Alucard Emery & Rhy Maresh
WHAT: Dinner, a serenade, and a great deal of feelings
WHEN: April 18th
WHERE: The palace, dining room & walking around
WARNINGS: Discussion of violence & death, including homophobic violence

Everything will be yours one day )

[info]leo_valdez in [info]thedisplaced

So when I haven't been in school and doing five million other things. None of which actually involve my homework I've been spending a lot of time in the forge, which is kind of nice. I've been sleeping there mostly

Stocked up on the motor oil and Tabasco sauce. Festus seems pretty happy with it.

Speaking of Festus.

[Pictures of Festus (aka Leo's metal dragon) who now has four legs, but a lot missing past that and still no wings]

He's looking pretty great. I need to form the wings still and the tail and a few other things, but he's a lot further along than he was.

[info]anoshe in [info]thedisplaced

Part 2

WHO: Alucard Emery & Rhy Maresh
WHAT: Dinner, a serenade, and a great deal of feelings
WHEN: April 18th
WHERE: The palace, dining room & walking around
WARNINGS: Discussion of violence & death, including homophobic violence

I will find a way, I promise you )