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March 30th, 2018

[info]tahanitime in [info]thedisplaced

[cw: talk of death]

I know this is never an easy topic to talk about, but if anyone needs help making funeral arrangements, or at least planning a memorial service, and doesn't feel comfortable doing it themselves, I am more than happy to offer my services. I know that a loved one's death can be particularly painful, and doing that sort of thing on your own can be extremely difficult.

[info]elgran in [info]thedisplaced

I have watched the stars from the balcony. I have been trying to decide if they are the same as home, but there's so many, I don't know. The ship has felt quiet. Loss makes quiet. Sometimes it makes too much noise in places where it is not. I am sorry for those who are sad. I hope your hearts will feel peace soon and that the quiet or noise lessens. It is hard to forget what is lost, but I have found that remembering what was good helps with the sadness. I know everyone is different and different things help different people, but I hope whatever helps will make things easier in some small way.

I hope I have not upset anyone to say so.

[info]fuzzy_elf in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Janet (from the Good Place)]
When I was writing to Eleanor about getting costumes together for Rocky Horror, she told me you had the ability to manifest physical objects - is this true?

If so, I have a favor to ask, please.

[info]ydidueatmyfries in [info]thedisplaced

[Neal Cassidy]
Hey Neal.

[info]phosphoromancy in [info]thedisplaced

These flowers are really beautiful magic.

[info]hotmess in [info]thedisplaced

So, I legit get that a lot of people are feeling really shitty right about now, and the ship is kinda lame in both senses of the word. But I'm kinda feeling like distractions might be good for the masses. And because I cannot with my suite mate right now

That said, what activities are still functional? Can anyone tell? That symposium room is totally big enough we could make it a mini-movie theatre for like a night if anyone could set up projection stuff. Anyone up for light-hearted mindless movies that mean people around but not talking?

Help me out here it's too much like.

[info]prettybitchin in [info]thedisplaced

The flowers make me happy.

[info]nightbleeder in [info]thedisplaced

It's the 30th day in March. Raven, didn't you say that was the day you were born?

[info]phasing in [info]thedisplaced

Passover would be starting back home so if anyone wants to join me, I'll be on the top deck at sunset. I've asked some of the robots if they could make matzo. Can't really do a traditional Passover seder, but it's something.

[info]sit_boy in [info]thedisplaced

I like the flowers.

They smell nice, like...

Is there a way to preserve them so they're always fresh?

[info]forestry in [info]thedisplaced

I don't know what's in these flowers but I think I'm going to eat one.


How do you and Gale work together? Does he ever try to protect you instead of himself? How do you get him to fuck off? How should I? You two seem to work together sickeningly well... I don't know how to explain it. He doesn't treat you different because you're a girl, yeah? Because that would be fucked up.

I remember our games together, that was different. We were all trying to protect you.

re: this, but it's locked so katniss can't see. just for some context OOC.

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

Stitch went back to his ohana. But his ohana here is going to miss him.

[info]fallenrobin in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Jason Todd and Ace the Bat-Dog
What: Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and everyone is right. Especially Jason.
Where: Jason’s bedroom.
When: Wednesday night, 4/28 (After the trauma support group meeting.)
Warnings: Mild reference to symptoms of PTSD.
Status: Narrative. Closed. Might be open to a spin-off of this when I'm able to be more present as a player. ♥

Jason knows how to handle the aftermath of a battle. The logistics have become second nature. Check on your family, check on your friends, and check on your allies. If you have time, check on yourself. )