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March 11th, 2018

[info]flightlessfuck in [info]thedisplaced

Hey, is

this ) one of those beans people are talking about?

[info]phosphoromancy in [info]thedisplaced

I was out walking this morning around the Camelot area and I complemented someone's horse. We ended up having a thirty minute discussion and at the end, they handed me a bean and told me to have safe travels.

I'm leaving in thirty minutes. If you want to come, I'll be at the dock.

[info]gfweasley in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Angelina Weasley & George Weasley
When: Backdated to January, during the Atlantis Port.
Where: Atlantis: Beach
What: George and Angelina take advantage of Uncle Ron’s generosity and ditch the kids with him, so they can go be a cute married couple for awhile. They talk, they kiss, they go take advantage of an empty suite.
Warnings: PG - A little kissing.
Status: Complete

'You ever feel like we’ve been cheated out of something? Being taken from different times?' )

[info]awcoffee in [info]thedisplaced

[Bucky (PH)]
so while you're out enjoying yourself, and because i could not get time yesterday, your belated birthday congrats from me is hidden somewhere in the suite.

fyi, it was the cat's idea to plant decoys with traps. you were right. the cat is an asshole, i'm warming up to him.

[info]earpish in [info]thedisplaced

Last night was definitely an experience and I think I played at being Wynonna a lot more than I meant to. Fun, though.

[Julia Wicker]
I didn't imagine the part where you helped me get back to my room, did I?

[info]ezekieljones in [info]thedisplaced

If it wasn't the lack of magical tech around here, I would be completely fine with being left behind in Sherwood Forest. I was made for this life, if it had indoor plumbing.

Yo, archers! When are you doing your archery competition? Because if you don't, what are you even doing with your lives?

[info]outlawthief in [info]thedisplaced

Any recommendations for sights to see or things to do while in Arendelle?

Hope you're ready for the land of snow. Would you like to travel together from the ship?

I enjoyed last night thoroughly and I hope that it doesn't change anything between us, rather, add a new aspect to our friendship.

So I think I did something good for myself after dinner last night.

[info]guardtheflame in [info]thedisplaced

I don't believe I will travel to anymore of these other worlds that are only accessible via magic beans.

[Added later]
[Roy Mustang]
I've been told the spa on the ship is very good. I think I may give it a try when we've returned to the ship.

[info]ydidueatmyfries in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Baelfire]

Hey bae.

You have any plans tonight?

[info]buttmonkeys in [info]thedisplaced

I found the steampunks!

Well, not very steampunk. But there are airships, so I'm counting it and maybe buying a corset.

[info]nousprotgeons in [info]thedisplaced

So, archers? Are we doing this or not?

Tomorrow, 2pm, Sherwood?

[info]force_wound in [info]thedisplaced

Guess I gotta practice more.

[Kylo Ren]
Well done.

[info]ladycontrary in [info]thedisplaced

This stop is making me particularly miss my son. It reminds me of all the stories I used to read to him...

... Anyway, I've had a lovely time. Camelot is like a dream. It's nice to be able to experience the Middle Ages without all of the general uncleanliness that went along with the time period.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Agrobah as that's a culture I've never experienced before. Is riding a camel anything like riding a horse?

DM to Henry Fitzroy
You looked magnificent at the tournament and took your loss with grace, even if I personally think you were robbed.

[info]imthefox in [info]thedisplaced

So that tournament as awesome. But damn do I miss my katana.

[info]obscurence in [info]thedisplaced

(026) Credence Barebone

The only way to get to Wonderland is with one of the beans, isn't it?

[Filter: Flash]
Thanks for inviting me last night. I hope I didn't do anything too ridiculous

I've never really been to a party like that I don't think.

[info]emmline in [info]thedisplaced

I punched a pirate in the face, that was fun.

What did you do with your day?

[info]brokendeal in [info]thedisplaced

Is it alright if I go out once you two are back?

[info]king_quentin in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Quentin Coldwater & Napoleon Solo
What: Meeting up for a sex date
Where: Belle’s village and then her castle
When: Saturday, March 10 in the eveningish
Rating: PG-13, uh there’s ftb sexytimes

Are you always this chatty when you’re being seduced? )

[info]onceaspoiler in [info]thedisplaced

Watch out for holes. Wonderland is full of them. Like really big, can hold several people kind of holes.

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedisplaced

Now I remember why I don't drink that much. HANGOVERS ARE THE WORST. Why do I feel like my mouth is the Eternal Desert?

[info]clarkegriffin in [info]thedisplaced

Agrabah is really weird after dark, especially when you've been drinking. Anyway, some old woman came up to me and offered me a magic bean for helping her pick up the bag of apples she'd dropped. I tried to tell her that wasn't necessary, but I found it in my pocket when I got back to my room.

So anyone up for an adventure? I don't know where it leads, but, who knows?