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October 22nd, 2017

[info]sparkofhope in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Damian]
We're filled up on Monday and Tuesday, but here's a list of our available slots the rest of the week: [List]

[info]stubborngilbert in [info]thedisplaced

At least the whole headless horseman thing is done.

[info]spacedad in [info]thedisplaced

Private to Alice

I think something has happened to me when Keith and Lance are from.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedisplaced

Does anyone want to bring me some soup?

Preferably chicken noodle.

And grilled cheese.

[info]report_this in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Clark Kent and Lois Lane
What: Somebody saaave me Reunion
When: After Clark is released from quarantine
Where: Their apartment
Warning lol probably nothing

Hey Smallville )

[info]godofstories in [info]thedisplaced

I was debating how much backstory I really need for this post, but I suppose it doesn't drum up much in the way of dramatic staging. The bare bones of it? Once upon a time, I received a second chance at life, and I choose to invest in social media and never paying for movies online. I've caught up on most of the cult classics, but I never saw the entirety of Hocus Pocus. Hel happened. As Hel is wont to do.

Who wants in on a viewing party?

[info]sparkofhope in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Fang and Vanille, with appearances by Celes and Locke
What: Drunken catastrophe
Where: The Waterin’ Hole
When: Friday night, October 20, around 8
Warnings: Language, mild violence, shit hitting fans, fluff

Fang knew she was charming as fuck )

[info]sparkofhope in [info]thedisplaced

Things are pretty great.

[Filtered to Prompto and Willow]
So... I told Fang... it went really well. ^_^

[info]automailist in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Ed and Al]
I may or may not have said we'd all go to a party this coming Friday. They're showing a movie called Hocus Pocus and it's supposedly very good. So, I'm dragging you two along. ^_^