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August 2nd, 2017

[info]notlykmostwomen in [info]thedisplaced

For those who knew her, Lois is gone.

[info]x_facility in [info]thedisplaced

Logan didn't come back. I will look after the gym.

[info]emmline in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Credence Barebone & Emmeline Vance
WHEN: 17 July [Backdated!]
WHAT: Practicing magic!
RATING: PG-13, they're setting things on fire.
STATUS: log; completed

You’ve come a long way since we first started. )

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedisplaced

I have a letter from the University of Tumblweed. Did you know we had a University here? I didn't, and now I'm currently making sure I'll be enrolled for the Fall.

Do you know how much I have to do now? Thank the universe I have time before needing to enroll in classes. There's still a lot I need to do though, and you know what that means? Lists and new school supplies! I really wish Logan He'd be excited

Filtered to X-Mansion Residents
With this brand new information, I also decided that I'm going to move into the dorms. Maybe just for my Freshman year, but I want to see what it's like. I mean I know it'll probably be a lot like living here, but I think there are opportunities there that I might not get here. At least we're all still in the same town, right? I hope that's okay! I'll visit all the time!

[info]vellichorus in [info]thedisplaced

I'm afraid I got lost inside my own head for the past two days with the new art gallery in town. How delightfully exciting that it is also free. I got so lost in this wonderful art that I have fully neglected to tell you that the town now has a fully operational theatre that will be used for all forthcoming theatrical productions brought forth by the school.

I also think it important for students and community members to learn side-by-side. For such a reason, we will continue to open up the theatrical productions to the town at large. I hope you're looking forward to the next.

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

» Duckling.
» You there, Duckling?

(Added later, after the complete conversation with Emmeline)

Good evening. I apologize for messaging out of the blue but I was hoping to ask you a few questions about the Ellie Phimister School. I was told that I should speak to either of you. Was this correct?

[info]anatombomb in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Emma Frost and Jean Grey
WHERE: Roof of the X-Mansion
WHEN: Last night
WHAT: Sniping, rivalry, and some honesty. It’s a mess, don’t read it.
WARNINGS: Some discussion of canon-related deaths, emotional infidelity, and the ending of a relationship
STATUS: Closed/Complete

Betty and Veronica, Archie’s two lovely sensationsRead more... )

[info]postlove in [info]thedisplaced

If I weren't at all learned and (arguably) adaptable, the fact that this town has quite obviously grown in size in an illogical amount of time based on my absence, I would be terribly overwhelmed. I rather look forward to seeing a 'larger' Tumbleweed upon my release. That said, who among you remains that I previously was able to become acquainted with?

[info]ringaring in [info]thedisplaced

I'd have been fine going the community college route, but having this bigger school in town that actually has the programs I'm interested in? I'm not even going to question how the town is suddenly bigger, if that's what I get for it. Besides, if I can accept space and time travel, I can handle this.

Hi, Katniss. How are you doing?