Posts Tagged: 'clint+barton+%28616%29'

Jul. 15th, 2019



This is most certainly not the bathroom at the Starbucks. Got my new phone (thx, btw) and found my room... but I'm still a little confusiterrified about where I am and what's going on. Anyone wanna fill in the details?

Jul. 10th, 2019



Hello? Is this thing working? Is anyone there? Where'd my Contacts go?

Jul. 7th, 2019



Uhm. So - Seems to me like there's a lot of people who aren't feeling great lately? Anyone need anything? Help? Soup? i'm pretty great at making soup?

maybe comment in even if you don't need anything just so we know you're not like...dead or something

Jul. 6th, 2019



Dude, does anyone else have a sore throat? Woke up coughing like crazy. Last time I felt like this was 7th grade when I had to get my tonsils out.

Private to Clint

Hope it's okay, not coming in today. Figure it's probably better if I don't pass this around.

Private to Peter B. Parker

Weird question, but have you gotten sick since the spider bite?? Just checking.

Jul. 2nd, 2019



Okay, quick announcement. Mayor Stark is throwing a 4th of July/Birthday shindig because we don't have enough of those this Thursday.

There's going to be a baseball came Thursday, but I realize a lot of you might not know the rules or even what baseball is. There'll be a quick review of the game tonight at Pancho's for anyone who wants to play on Thursday (we need as many of you as possible). Just show up if you're interested. Or if you have any pointers.

Let me know if you guys have questions!


Okay, I've posted a roster at Pancho's if you're interested in the teams. I tried to be random and fair, but let me know if you have any questions!

Private to Clint

Can you get us cake? We need cake for the big event and you seem to be the go-to

Private to Klaus and Nyx

Can you boys find snacks, hotdogs, hotdog buns, and baseball equipment? I know it's short notice.

Jun. 27th, 2019



Okay, we need to find some new dvds. I've been through the entire collection about a half dozen times now, and if I have to watch Titanic, Cool Runnings, Forrest Gump, or the 3rd season of Friends again I think I'll go absolutely insane.

Are there any other movies, tv shows, or games out there that people are willing to share?

Jun. 26th, 2019



And here I'd hoped thought a good nap might sort all this out. Should have known better.

What are we supposed to do to stay busy around here?

[ooc: it is absolutely IC to say he's been napping or otherwise indisposed as long as I've been busy. Sorry for that- I should be back now!]

Jun. 23rd, 2019



Hey! Thanks to everyone for coming out to my birthday thing even if it was just to watch the movie and have a chill time. That's like my favorite thing to do so I hope everyone enjoyed it. Or at least tolerated it. Apparently my taste in movies isn't everyone else's favorite. That's a thing. Sorry?

ANYWAY I got this little turtle tree animal guy, right? And he's super cute, and he kinda runs around like a little puppy but maybe a tiny bit slower. And since I got this thing, I thought, oh, I should have one of those berry bushes so it can eat? And I got one and planted it outside my place except now it's looking a little floppy? Someone please help me I dont know what im doing and my duderino needs to eat

Jun. 19th, 2019



The gym is still a work in progress, but it's finished up enough to use. There's a boxing ring, bags and pads, some weights, bars etc.

Please keep sparring friendly and if anyone wants a few tips I'm happy to show you a thing or two.

Jun. 11th, 2019



WANTED: One or two part time employees.
WHERE: COFFEE. The coffee shop.
WHEN: I dunno, man. Kinda whenever you feel like it.
WHAT: I mean, there's no money here. But you get first dibs on coffee and also I guess maybe fame and glory? It's not about the money, but the friends we make along the way?
WHO: Talk to me. Clint. Barton. I run COFFEE.
WHY: I don't wanna work 24/7?

Jun. 10th, 2019


private ➞ clint barton

Stop peeking. These are serious secretive plans.

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Private to Natasha and Bucky



Jun. 1st, 2019


How's everybody doing today? Nice morning? No lingering hangovers from the birthday? The bowties were a great idea, right? Everyone feeling happy? Healthy?

Excellent. On an unrelated note, I woke up and there's a goat in my apartment.

A goat. Standing at the foot of my bed. It is making noises. It is staring at me. It is maintaining eye contact. It is not blinking. This is not a metaphor for what Barton looks like before he shaves and caffeinates in the morning; I'm saying this is an actual living goat.

I'm not saying that what I'm currently experiencing is panic, but.

May. 24th, 2019



Private --> Natasha




[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
You see any of what Kitty

[Bucky Barnes]
You've been characteristically quiet.

[Clint Barton]
How much have you said about what happened?

May. 22nd, 2019


private ➞ clint barton

Hey, you. You're gorgeous, and sweet, and you have the greatest dog in the known world, and you're extremely generous in the bedroom, and you're very tall and handsome and I am once again currently wearing your hoodie.

Don't break up with me.

May. 18th, 2019



Well if anyone gets hold of those chickens we've at least got a coop for them. Also some kind of weird seabird that turned up and tried to nest in the shield, so, there's that.

Sparring practice, anyone? Don't want to get too out of shape.

May. 16th, 2019



Hey, does anyone have a hamburger. I'm dying and I have like five dollars??

May. 15th, 2019


While it's not nearly as pressing a need the list that Tony Stark very capably and thoughtfully outlined for us: there's been some discussion between a few of us about setting up a library.

Barbara and I are in the preliminary stages of planning - there's an empty building near Gwen & Jan's store that I think would work well for it, and it's got a room overhead that I might stake out for myself (unless anybody's called dibs) - but there are a couple things we'd love a little help with to get it off the ground.

1) Any other volunteers who love books, and cataloguing, and organizational systems. We'd love another team member.

2) Any volunteers to scavenge building materials and/or to actually build things, because we're gonna need bookshelves on bookshelves on bookshelves, and hopefully we can fill them. My personal skills with carpentry thus far include "able to tell the difference between a saw and a hammer" and "able to hold a hammer, probably", end of list.

3) Books, books, books. Whatever you're willing to donate that you have on you, or whatever you're willing to bring back on your various travels. If people have requested titles, I think we'd also be happy to be the keeper of those lists and pass on to our scavengers.

I'll defer to Barbara in the comments for anything I haven't listed.

Again, none of this is priority stacked up next to the Tony List! Just things to keep an eye out for, or if you have a little free time and want to come lend a hand. It'll be fun, and it'll hopefully make our corner of the world a little brighter. Thanks for the read.

May. 14th, 2019



So now that fridges are a thing and people seem to be finding better food sources, I can stop hunting right?

Yeah, I've still been going out. Passes the time, ya know?

I guess full shifts at COFFEE can't be the worst thing, right? At least my co-workers are cool.

Clint, are we ready to hire? I want a day off.