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Oct. 6th, 2017


Okay. Whatever this is, I had nothing to do with whatever or whoever put me in here.


netpost; dick grayson

I'm me again.

What the Hell? You okay? Also, I have your wallet.

[Tony Stark]
This is horrible, but while I was Catwoman, I broke into your townhouse. There's a few things here that I'd like to return to you.

I am so sorry. I would never do anything like that as myself.

Oct. 4th, 2017


Christ. How does he do it? Ugh. I'm just ... going to shower. And brush my teeth. And then shower again. With bleach. And steel wool. God, I'd go insane if I had to pretend to be "Brucie" Wayne every damn day. Bourbon's an appropriate mouthwash, right? Or I could stick with the bleach ...


I am so fuc sorry.


Look, if you're still around, that wasn't me, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but Bruce isn't that big of an ass.


I don't even know if I want to ask if you're you.

Oct. 3rd, 2017


Whoever this body belongs to... He's very supple, at least, and hello abs.

Oct. 2nd, 2017


Suppose there are worse cities to be in.

Oct. 1st, 2017


Oh if only they had this in costume shops.

Rainbow Batman )

Sep. 25th, 2017


Midgardian rules for this football are exceedingly complicated. How do you know when to have three downs and when to have four?

Sep. 21st, 2017


Who's going to the Bronze tomorrow night? I feel the need to wear something autumn-like and drink cider. But you know, not along, because that's sad. Stabbing my pumpkin alone is pretty great though.

Sep. 19th, 2017


Never thought I'd say this but I kinda miss Gotham City. At least there was a bunch of crime to stop there.

That aside, echoing the question of what jobs are out there for a vigilante type? Apart from the whole bodyguard/bouncer/trainer thing?


netpost; dick grayson

Handing out CVs is more time consuming than I remember. Has anyone else had a problem with the locals believing their prior experience? I don't know if it's the former acrobat, the ex-cop, or the EMT thing that's tough to swallow?

If anyone online could use me, send me a message.

Sep. 17th, 2017


Polling the masses: best middle of nowhere location to visit. Preferably where people won't be too upset about a bunch of rocks getting blown up.

And spawning off of that, anyone want to check up on Batman for a week?

[Stark Solutions Employees]
I know a few of you are on adjusted hours anyways thanks to school, but congratulations! You're getting the week off. Still paid, so don't worry about that. And if you need to use any of the supplies or machines in the lab, it'll still be open to you. Just don't go too crazy with the experiments.

Sep. 12th, 2017


[Dick Grayson]

You going stir crazy yet?


I'm trying all the seasonal cocktails at the Bronze. Even though alcohol doesn't work for me.

Rustic Manhattan: Apple whiskey and raspberry vermouth. Sort of sweet.
Pumpkin Martini: Creamy. Very creamy. Sometimes the liqueur is a little too sweet.
Hunter's Cocktail: Whiskey and cherry brandy. It could use a better whiskey but it's not bad.
Mulled Spice Cheribundi: Another cherry one. I like this better, but I always like spice anyway.
Green Dublin: Sweet and sour appletini with a bit of berry taste.
Pear Naked Sailor: Better for warm afternoons than cold nights, like a rummy juice mix.
Caramel Apple Mule: Like a liquid candy apple.
Apple Cider Sangria: Exactly what it sounds like. Sangria with apple, pear and cinnamon.
Vanilla Vodka Chai Tea: I would drink this all year.

Sep. 9th, 2017


netpost; dick grayson

I've been told I have to stay in here for my safety. Germs and stuff. Or maybe it's for the safety of you guys out there?

Doesn't matter, so long as they feed me, I'm happy. And they have fed me; can't go wrong with a gallon of milk and a whole box of cereal. I missed Trix. They don't have it in Europe.

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