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Nov. 18th, 2017


Stores are pretty. I asked for many ribbons. Money?
Do not have money. Where to find money?

Nov. 13th, 2017


[Filtered to 616ers and extended friends of Sue or Johnny (includes Whoverse people)]
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Johnny and I talked it over and we’d like to invite you all over that Thursday at 4pm. There will be turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, stuffing, yams, green bean casserole, rolls, [edit: and mashed potatoes], and whatever else any of you would like to bring. If you already have plans, that’s fine – there will be plenty of food I’m sure so feel free to come by that night or Friday to take some off our hands.

Nov. 12th, 2017


Hey, Carol. Ultimates Assemble?

Nov. 8th, 2017


Thank god I missed the gremlin horde. Tiny furry things are not my jam.

Speaking of, if you see an orange cat that's totally not a freaking cat, and has a gleam of evil in its beady little eye, call Carol. Or, you know, get rid of it and I'll pay you ten bucks.

Unless you're Logan. Because then we'd finally be square.

ETA: Yes, Carol, I'm aware that you made a similar post already, but the more eyes, the better, right?

Nov. 6th, 2017


Okay, I get that these mogwai/gremlins are a problem, and do what you will. But my cat escaped my attention and I'm pretty sure she's on a path home. She's fat and ginger, do not attack.

I don't think you'd want to anyway, she's not a typical cat.

Jessica Drew

Okay, Spider-Ham, shake a leg, we're finding Chewie and a burger. Probably not in that order.

You need to come along because I told you to.

Nov. 1st, 2017


Great. Really getting tired of your shit, multiverse.

Hopefully I’m not a particularly disgruntled menu item this time? Because once was enough for anyone.

Oct. 31st, 2017


Think this goes without saying but you kids need to be safe out there during Halloween. As usual the gym is open for anyone that don't want to be out with all the rugrats running about.

Also, with Clint being gone I need someone to take over the ranged training at the gym. It don't gotta be permanent, and I'd do it myself but I got a ton of shit on my plate and would appreciate help with it.

So if you're interested then let me know here. Or stop by the gym. Whatever you want.

Oct. 26th, 2017


Okay, I'm not sure if I buy the run down on this. But so far nothing's set off my alarm bells.

Anyone feel like elaborating a little on this portal/altverse/quarantine explanation?

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