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March 6th, 2018

[info]nonbender in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, the aerodynamics of how a carpet could possibly fly is throwing me off. How does it work? Or is there a companion driver that has similar powers of an airbender?

[info]weylandtype in [info]thedisplaced

Who: David
What: David looks for a quiet place to think
When: His second evening on the ship
Where: Deck 12, Library
Warnings: Minor spoilers for the end of Prometheus. Mention of death.
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete / Narrative
Why aren't you here with me? )

[info]x_facility in [info]thedisplaced

I think I'd like to go to Agrabah. I'm not very interested in the pretty pretty princesses.

[info]snikt in [info]thedisplaced

Enchanted Forest, huh?

Well sounds interesting enough. Ain't gonna lie when I say I miss Middle Earth, but fairytales should be fun. Or at least interesting. Gotta say the forest sounds great, but I could be convinced to go to Camelot.

[info]itschotime in [info]thedisplaced

One week down, one week to go.

For all you surviving Assassin players out there, we're not stopping for the Enchanted Forest so bring your bears, spoons, paintballs, et cetera with you when you travel.

[info]illprotectyou in [info]thedisplaced

So people can have the same face here. Does this happen often? Not like twins either-

I swear if someone shows up with Glenn's face-

[info]flightlessfuck in [info]thedisplaced

I don't know anything about this Enchanted Forest apart from what's in the pamphlet. Agrabah sounds interesting.

[Kara Danvers]
I know you've got the flying advantage, but what do you say about a magic carpet ride?

[info]sparkofhope in [info]thedisplaced

I'm trying on a magic slipper! I want to find out if I have a fairy godmother.

[info]obscurence in [info]thedisplaced

(025) Credence Barebone

I honestly wish I could take Charity and Modesty around this place. Not that we really got to read much in the way of fairy tales growing up, but it's difficult to completely miss those stories.

[Family & Friends*]
Where are you all planning on going? I'm ready to get off the ship again.

[ooc: if you and credence talk, probably you're included]

[info]sit_boy in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to friends]
This place looks interesting. Maybe we can go on an adventure and look for all these hidden places the pamphlet talks about.

[info]winterfalcon in [info]thedisplaced


ooc: there is, in fact, snow, but currently it's just the odd small flurry that's easy to miss. it may pick up later. there may also be rainbows at the same time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[info]ovaryup in [info]thedisplaced

What the fuck just happened? Why is this a thing that has to happen? Let's put our minds together for figuring out a way to not get any memory dumps. I'd like to hear some ideas. Magical. Scientific. Whatever we've got here.

[There be spoilers for The Magicians, season 3 up to episode 7 in here. And yes, Margo's lost an eye!]

[info]at0mic in [info]thedisplaced

netpost; ray palmer

I get to see Camelot again. Which is incredibly exciting. Plus my armor still fits. So I won't even need to borrow any.

[info]zunia in [info]thedisplaced

I'm not really sure where would be a good place to visit here. I've been staring at this pamphlet for a while trying to figure it out. I suppose the castles could be interesting, but then I've lived at Hogwarts before.

[Kylo & Eliot Waugh]
How are my boys? I feel like a lot has happened since we've last talked and I need to check in on you.

[info]rune_knight in [info]thedisplaced

I look forward to getting off the ship and stretching my legs. It'll be good to explore again.

[info]eight_seven in [info]thedisplaced

I actually know some of these places. I've heard about them. I mean, not in this context, but that's definitely something.

[Poe Dameron]
Do you want to come over tonight?

[info]gryffinmum in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Arthur Weasley]

[info]mechabadass in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Luna, Raven Reyes
What: Hanging out and chatting at one of the bays in Middle Earth
When: Backdated to February 21
Where: Middle Earth
Warnings: Discussion of death by radiation before Praimfaya, pretty G otherwise

It was still stolen from him )

[info]unprepared in [info]thedisplaced

Ginny's gone. I'm sorry.

[info]nightbleeder in [info]thedisplaced

An endless ocean? I don't know how I feel about that. The only place to sail to is in winter. Maybe I'll stay on the boat.

[info]prettypenny in [info]thedisplaced

Magic beans. Get ready to climb, bitches.

[Brakebills & Julia]

What are we thinking with the magic in this place? Do you think it's possible for me?

Also, why the fuck is everyone getting memory upgrades? Is mine coming soon or not?


I lost my powers when I lost my hands. A magical ... deer lady grew them back. I haven't been able to cast any magic since then. I can still Travel and hear people's minds, but I can't do magic.

Is there anything in this place that could help?

[info]forestry in [info]thedisplaced

Well, I guess I'm going camping again and remembering to buy luxurious jewels in Agrabah.


You going to be all right, Old Soul?

[info]withthedolphins in [info]thedisplaced

Bella's gone. George is gone. I don't know what to say about any of this, but I feel like I'm losing all my friends slowly and it sucks.

[info]afrofuturist in [info]thedisplaced

(in Wakandan)
Can we explore, or are you intending to stay on board like a boring old grump?

[eta: some spoilers for Black Panther]

[info]awerewolf in [info]thedisplaced

Are you fucking kidding me? I am not ready to Swayze this bitch, so someone better tell me you got a cure all for a case of dead and ghost.

[info]livespast in [info]thedisplaced

Well, this isn't my first go at time travel so this is nothing new to me. It's actually quite enjoyable if I'm going to be completely honest. However, it would have been nice if more of the crew had tagged along with me. Looks like I'll have quite an impressive report for Starfleet when I returnif I return.

I'm rather impressed with the technology of the time as well.

So! What is there to do around here that is particularly exciting?

[info]ofdelphi in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Kylo Ren]

Hey! I forgot to mention this when we talked last, but I did a drawing of Millicent back when she was missing and you weren't sure if you'd need me to do missing posters or not. I figured I would give it you, if you wanted it. I think I captured her pretty well.

[Attached is a drawing of Millicent, colored in with colored pencils.]

[info]withoutquestion in [info]thedisplaced

I am a free woman under Article 12 of the ICESCR. I am in no way required to consent to "treatment" by children's dolls.