June 2020



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August 30th, 2017

[info]subject89p13 in [info]thedisplaced

terran holidays make no sense

labor day means most people don't go to work??

[info]thenamecame1st in [info]thedisplaced

Since this place got bigger, it's actually become more comfortable. Being here isn't really so bad after all.

[info]faberges in [info]thedisplaced

Pretend this was posted this weekend

[Logan + Kitty + Jean]
I'd like to keep the three of you on standby in case we need extra help at EPS. I do not think that Erik's departure is going to impact Rogue's work too much, but with the baby and the familiar tendency of all of ours to run ourselves ragged while avoiding our problems, I'd just like to have backups ready to jump in. If you all would be willing to cover classes if the need comes up through the first half of the year and mentor new teachers when asked, I'd appreciate it.

Logan - I know you're busy with your own programs, so I'll keep you as a last resort, if that's alright?

Kitty - I am going to chalk up that little outburst you had with the other Rogue to a temporary lapse of judgement and hope that you will not take students to task for speaking ill of you in the future. Am I correct?

[info]caffreynated in [info]thedisplaced

I'm pleased to announce that I will be teaching Art History and Art at EPS this year. For those of you that are enrolled in my class, my name is Neal Caffrey. It'll be a pleasure working with you all.

Now I realize that classes aren't starting until next week, but I'd like for you all to think about what you'd like to learn in class. I obviously have ideas, but that doesn't mean that I'm not open to new ones. Let me know what you're thinking and what you'd like to cover.

In other news I'm also going to be holding art classes at the community center twice a week in the evenings, for anyone that isn't of school age and wants to have a creative outlet. They'll be every Tuesday and Thursday for 6 to 8 pm.

And as always I'm open for commissions.

[info]rebornhunter in [info]thedisplaced

Maybe it's too soon to tell right now, but high school doesn't feel like it's so bad right now. Maybe with a little more homework than what I'm used to but still not so bad.

Of course, that could change a full month in.

[info]snikt in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Big Wolverine and Little Wolverine
When: Backdated to when Laura turned young
Where: Logan's ranch
What: Logan attempts to connect with young Laura. He does a good job. :)
Warnings: Abuse is hinted at concerning the Weapon X program
Status: Complete!

You're free to do what you want, you know )

[info]rebelrebel in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to X-Mansion Residents]
So hey again.

I'm back at the Mansion.