November 2017



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Aug. 24th, 2016


Who: Kate and open!
When: Around 4pm
Where: Her doorway, 3rd floor
What: Caltrops

0/10 would not do again )

Aug. 20th, 2016


Who: Edwin, Kate, and Georgie
When: Around 10am
Where: On the way to town on death bikes

Nothing but rabbit food. )

Aug. 13th, 2016


Who: Marco, Pam, Juno, Erran, Kate, Oliver
When: After this, around 8:45am
Where: 3rd Floor hallway

The continuing story of Hathaway )

Jul. 29th, 2016


Who: Lila, Kate & Avram
Where: Room 1
When: Morning

she had no intention of failing at anything )

Jul. 7th, 2016


Who: Lila, Simms, Oliver, Pam, Chase, Kate, Cecilia & Owen
When: Morning
Where: Various rooms, second floor lounge
Warnings: Probably a lot of bad language

um, how about no )

Jul. 3rd, 2016


Who: Cecilia and Neptune (and Open!)
When: Late morning/early afternoon
Where: Kitchen

Read more... )

Jun. 17th, 2016


Who: Oliver and Kate
When: Early morning!
Where: Oliver's room
What: Freaking the fuck out

click meeeee )

Jun. 2nd, 2016


Beachside Halloween Party Time!

When: After 6pm!
Where: Secret beach location!

The sun begins to set shortly after 6 PM, and the massive wooden gate doors across from the house slide open automatically. A large dirt pathway descends down into the jungle, and a sign warns that straying from the path will result in an encounter with the pain barrier. There’s another option, though. Cable cars.

There are several sets of tracks, two for descending down the hill, and two for ascending back to the villa. Each car can comfortably sit up to four people, and will travel along its track automatically once the door is shut and a safety lock is engaged. For those that choose to walk the pathway, it’ll take about forty-five minutes (though, the way back will be considerably longer, as it will be entirely up-hill). The cable cars can travel the entire distance in any direction in twenty minutes.

Either way, the walk or ride down is pretty damn magical. The path is marked on either side with carved jack-o-lanterns, placed equally apart at 3-foot intervals. The light from the candles inside is the only light along the trail, but they’re large enough to provide enough light to see comfortably without squinting. There are lots of other Halloween decorations in the trees: fake cobwebs (well, hopefully fake), scarecrows, fake ghosts, witches, and paper bats hanging from the tree tops… just about anything you can imagine, really, with a couple of these things at random, just to make sure you're paying attention. Say hi.

The trail is often twisting and winding, so it’s never really possible to see what’s ahead for more than twenty to thirty feet or so. Those that are hoping for beach access will not be disappointed.

The cable cars dock at a small station at the bottom of the hill, and the walkway leads to a clearing in the trees that opens out onto the beach. TPTB have used yellow caution tape and string lights to rope off the part of the beach that is open to them- and it’s quite a considerable space, easily the length of a football field. What’s more, there are a series of buoys in the ocean, each tied to the next, to designate where they can safely swim without hitting the barrier. The safe zone extends out to a point in the water that’s about 6 foot deep. No, before you ask, there are no fish within the safe zone, or any living sealife to be found within.

The party space is decorated to the nines, with plenty of lights and candles. The trees along the treeline are all wrapped in strand lights, and it’s all very festive. There is a small entertainment station where music can be played from the same digital library available in the villa, and a small light-up dance floor that frequently flashes colorful Halloween designs. There is a full bar, a dozen different buffet tables, and six round black dining tables that can each sit up to six people comfortably. But hey, about those buffet tables. At least half of it is what you’d expect to see, with all manner of Halloween treats and pitchers of margaritas and mixed drinks. The other half? Is chain stuff from the real world. McDonalds, Pizza Hut, hell, even Starbucks. Rest assured, everyone’s favorite foods will be represented somewhere, and it all tastes fresh and absolutely legit.

Finally, though the cable cars are an easy way back to the house for anyone too drunk to walk it, there’s one more option. On the outskirts of the party space are beach cabanas with beds, couches, or even hammocks inside, for anyone that chooses to just crash there. Have fun.

May. 24th, 2016


Who: Kate, Edwin and Oliver
Where: The Basement
When: Around 9pm

Monster Mash )



Erran/Kate, dusk, rooftop firepit aww yiss.

May. 19th, 2016


Who: Everybody (free for all tagging)
When: First thing in the morning
Where: Living room

Never thought I'd be so happy to see some of you freaking people. )

Apr. 30th, 2016


Who: Chase and Kate
When: About 9:30 am
Where: Kate's room
What: Getting Kate unstuck

this is a thing to do )

Apr. 17th, 2016


Who: Oliver and Kate
When: Around 8 pm
Where: Oliver's room

Dinnertime )

Apr. 7th, 2016


Who: Oliver and OPEN (Multiples okay!)
When: 4am
Where: Lounge

Time to replace windows again... )

Apr. 3rd, 2016


Who: Cecilia, everyone at the meeting
When: 5pm
Where: Dining room

This time would be different. )

Mar. 25th, 2016


Who: Kate
When: morning
Where: The woods where she woke up
What: Being pissed off and stubborn

For the second time in ten days, Kate found herself waking up outside. It was no less creepy the second time around, and the good mood she'd been in after hanging out with Jack plummeted fast as she took in her status. Clothed in the short boxers and tank she'd fallen asleep in, alone, and being beeped at by some strange black machine.

Good morning, Kate. Please read me to begin the game. )
Tags: ,

Mar. 20th, 2016


Who: Jack and Kate
Where: The Kitchen
When: 7pm

Sammich time )

Mar. 14th, 2016


Who: Oliver and Kate
When: Directly after this.
Where: Kitchen, then who knows?
What: It's a mystery!

womp womp )

Mar. 12th, 2016



Where: Dining Room
When: 11am

Pizza parties are supposed to be FUN... )

Feb. 29th, 2016


Who: Kate, Cecilia, anyone who'd be in the ER and wants to jump in
When: Around 8-ish am
Where: The ER
What: Updating the missing member of Team Gets Shit Done, general checkups

Despite the late night she'd had and long days they'd been working, Kate was up fairly early the next morning. The blinking light on her computer caught her eye, and she sat down to read the message before doing anything else. As soon as she read the line about the sick housemates being moved, she was up and throwing on jeans, a tank top, and her plaid button down while she finished the rest of the message. She pondered the choice set before them with a frown as she brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her hair. For her, it wasn't much of a choice - home repairs were manageable. Treating a broken leg without any medical supplies was not. She could see arguments for each choice, but put the debate out of her head for the time being.

Once she was as ready as she was going to get, she touched base with Oliver and then stopped by the kitchen - she was betting there wasn't going to be food down in that hospital, and they'd gone two days without eating much, she was sure. If they were being treated, they'd probably want at least a little something solid. With that in mind, Kate packed a bag with crackers, bananas, applesauce, and bottles of water. After a second, she also threw in bread, peanut butter, and strawberry jelly, sliding in a stack of paper plates and plastic knives and spoons.

Checking her map one more time, Kate headed down to the hospital. She made good time, and was making her way into the ER soon enough. "Hello?" she called out, looking around for signs of a sickroom. "It's Kate; I come bearing gifts."

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