November 2017

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February 16th, 2017

[info]movedthrough in [info]zenithrp


Who: Lennon and Tobias
When: Late morning
Where: The house/Lennon’s room

Tobias never thought he’d say it, but he was glad to be back in Zenith. C39 had been kind of creepy and he’d hated the clothes, and the money and weird food products. The upside had been Madison, but everything else sucked. The trial and Simms and the survey. He didn’t really want to end up anywhere else like that again, but he knew what he wanted didn’t count for anything.

After showering and getting dressed in jeans and a warm hoodie, Tobias made his way to Lennon’s room. There was a chance Lennon was out and about and not even there, but he figured he would try first before answering the house to find his friend. They hadn’t been able to talk much during their time underground, and he still kind of wanted to ask Lennon about Lila. So he stood outside Lennon’s door and rapped on it with his knuckles before shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie to wait.

the best thing to do )

[info]alilwicked in [info]zenithrp

Who: Theo & Damon.
When: Late evening.
Where: Craft room.

this is a placeholder )

[info]elocutionist in [info]zenithrp

Who: Daphne
When: Late night
Where: Kitchen/halls/all over

Mischief managed. )

[info]mountzenith in [info]zenithrp


Day 68.

Weather: No real changes. It's another sunny day, so in some spots the roads and walks are a little damp from small amounts of snow melting, but everything is still pretty well salted.

Events: At 8 AM, Jonnie will receive a message on her computer. It reads:


Everyone is here for a reason. Each person in Mount Zenith was taken because they are of special value to our needs. Among our group of subjects, we have selected you for participation in a side experiment. This group, at this time made up of only an elite few, is known as Experiment B. Each of you has a special quality that suits our needs. We will have special requirements expected of you, but we believe you will find meeting those standards to be an enjoyable experience - one which you shall be compensated for.

Our terms are simple. We require that you create tension within the house. How you do this is up to you. Should you choose to openly sow discord, or quietly identify and exploit weaknesses, you may employ any strategy you see fit. In return, we will supply you with special information. We will grant you private access to the camera feeds, as well as the ability to read private messages between the other subjects. If necessary, we will even offer you special luxuries in payment for your services.

Our primary demand: you must not discuss Experiment B with anyone outside of the group. If you tell anyone of this arrangement, all privileges will be revoked and we can personally guarantee you will never see your homes or families again. Breaking this commandment will result in the swiftest and severest punishment we have to offer.

We have one final requirement. If you understand and accept these terms, place an apple on your desk when you go to bed tonight. If that is done and you keep your silence, we will grant you the privileges spoken of earlier.

An hour later, at 9 AM, everyone - including Jonnie - gets a separate message from TPTB. It reads:

Felix has cashed in his wild card. He has requested that every individual in the house get a reward of their choosing. After some negotiation, we have accepted his request with the following terms:

  1. Felix does not get another reward. He has sacrificed his wild card for everyone else.
  2. Every other subject may place a request for ONE reward. No individual is allowed to request more rewards for another person, or for something for general use by the entire group (for example, an additional form of emergency transport).
  3. All requests must have a monetary value of less than $250 American. In the event that an individual makes a request for one of their own belongings (for example, something from their home or something of nostalgic value), we will appraise the item. In the event that an individual requests an intangible reward (for example, music) we will affix a value to the request. If in either case we decide the value is higher than the limit, the individual will be told to resubmit a new request.

Please submit your requests by midnight tonight, or forfeit your reward.

But wait, there's more! Immediately after that, all members of Experiment B receive an additional message:

One of Felix's conditions was that all requests be made public later, and that members of Experiment B receive two requests: one public, one private. Each of you get to request two rewards - just be sure to specify which is to be made public, and which is to be kept private.

Felix will still receive his private reward.

Please comment with the requests your character(s) would make. Requests should be in-character. All comments screened.

[info]silverfox in [info]zenithrp

Who: Oliver and OPEN
Where: First floor hall/Kitchen
When: A little after 7am

This is why we can't have nice fucking things )

[info]yahey in [info]zenithrp

Who: Erran and Marco
Where: Erran's room
When: Late morning

Nazis. I hate these guys. )

[info]recklessrecluse in [info]zenithrp

Who: Chase and Kiley
Where: Their room
When: Mid morning, after the announcement

Good(?) morning! )

[info]_burnbabyburn_ in [info]zenithrp

Who: Madison
Where: From her room through corridors and stairs ending at the door to Chase and Kiley's room
When: Around 4am

A Game of Clue )