November 2017

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November 12th, 2015

[info]mountzenith in [info]zenithrp


Day 8.

Weather: No changes since yesterday afternoon.

Events: And so the second week in hell Mount Zenith begins for the captives. What does the day have in store for them all, they might wonder. Spoiler alert: more mindfuckery.

At 9 AM, a message comes through on all of the computers. It reads:


Yesterday, we offered an opportunity for each of you to request some material comfort, in exchange for completion of a quest. Nine of you made the decision to submit a request.

Jack requested his mobile phone and charger be returned to him, even without connective capabilities.

Pam asked for a pet, or for her wedding album if her first request is impossible.

Owen requested his sleeping pills.

Marco requested something fancy and expensive.

Kiley has requested a new lock for Chase’s door, and a key to go with it.

Val has asked for her quilt from home.

Cecilia has asked for her service dog, Neptune.

Rhett requested his knife.

Juno has requested a loaded gun.

We are pleased to inform you all that no one abused this system; there were no false or impossible requests submitted, and for that we thank you all. We have also chosen to reward you all as a whole. It appears that a good many of you were deeply unnerved by our offering of toiletries yesterday. As of now, you will all be able to choose these items for yourself: we have resupplied the pharmacy with a wider manner of goods in toiletries and cosmetics.

Okay, so publicly announcing everyone’s requests is a special kind of shitty, but it’s true: the pharmacy has been restocked. Additional information can be found on the Mount Zenith page. The message goes on to say:

We appreciate your cooperation. Now on to the personal missions. We feel the need to explain that nothing comes easy. As such, not all of you will complete these quests.

  • Pam: We hold no objection whatsoever with the idea of pets being allowed in Mount Zenith. Therefor, if you complete your quest, we will be happy to grant your first request.

    At 0400, we released a white-tailed stag into the center of Mount Zenith. We also placed a crossbow with a quiver of bolts in the hardware store, as well as a hunting knife at the grocery store. Your mission is to hunt and kill the stag. You may enlist help, but you must be the one to make the killing blow.

  • Jack: Your mission is to stop Pam from completing her goal. How you do this is up to you.

  • Cecilia: You asked for Neptune to be returned to you. We are willing to do this, but in return you must swear that you will no longer offer medical assistance to your fellow subjects.

  • Rhett: Why you feel the need for your own, personal knife when there’s a whole kitchen of them (and even more kitchens in town) is beyond us, but to each their own. Perhaps the weapon has sentimental value to you. If you want your knife, we require that you test Cecilia’s resolve. You must cause bodily injury to another subject. A broken bone to be set, or a wound to stitch. Your choice. You may NOT inflict the injury on yourself.

  • Owen: You have, more or less, kept to yourself since arriving in Mount Zenith. We are more than willing to provide you with a regular supply of insomnia medication -- if you find someone willing to allow you to sleep in their room tonight. To fulfill this quest, both you and the room’s occupant must actually sleep, or we will not count it as a success.

  • Marco: Keep Owen awake at all costs.

  • Kiley: That you would request not for yourself, but for another, is above and beyond what we ever would have expected anyone to do at this point. Yours is a most noble request, and we are sure Chase will be touched by the thought. We require a more visible act of charity. We are willing to give Chase a new lock with key -- and for his peace of mind, we’ll even provide the equipment for him to install it himself. As payment, we request that you sacrifice your own door. You’ll find an axe in the hardware store.

  • Val: In order to receive a piece of home, we require that you exile yourself from the house. Leave immediately. Do not check the network. You may return tomorrow morning. If you encounter anyone in the next 24 hours, you instantly fail.

  • Juno: We do not understand why you feel you need such a deadly weapon, but you must believe you need it. Convince your companions. Appeal to them on the networks. Have a vote. If you can get the majority of your housemates to agree that you should have it, we’ll give it to you.

    You have your missions. Each of you has twenty-four hours to complete your tasks. At 9 AM tomorrow, we shall either reward or punish each of you.

  • ...WELL THEN. This should be interesting.

    [info]bloominsnow in [info]zenithrp

    Who: Cecilia and open
    When: about 9:10am and on
    Where: Third floor hallway, outside Rhett's room

    Oh HALE no )

    [info]pumpkinbutter in [info]zenithrp

    Who: Pam and OPEN
    When: 10am
    Where: Outside Goose's Groceries and Hardware

    In which Pam channels her favorite Walking Dead character. )
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