February 2020




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Oct. 15th, 2019


I like Nightvale. I really do.

I will say one thing though. It's kinda hard to find a job for a guy like me. I don't really want to work for the secret police. Did something similar back home.

Oct. 12th, 2019


I feel like I should be following some yellow brick road or something like that.

Someone please tell me there are cheeseburgers around here? I've been wanting one all day and still haven't managed to get one. Also, what's up? The name is Bobbi and I'm new around here.

Oct. 9th, 2019


So this is what happens when you die.

Gotta say, I was expecting a little less sand.


You know, there's a psychedelic drug, DMT, that occurs naturally in some plants. Rick Strassman, a professor of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, observed in a study from 1990 to 1995 that people had near-death and mystical experiences following injection of DMT. According to Strassman, the body has natural DMT released at birth and death.

Now, there's no evidence that really supports or disproves this theory.

But I mean, it would explain this.


I'm really not a fan of vacation. Especially a forced vacation.

Send me back to Starling City. Now.

Oct. 8th, 2019


Citizens of Night Vale and...new citizens of Night Vale who have been brought here by the cold and unfeeling universe! Cecil Palmer here with an update.

Good news, everyone! Or really, it's probably better not to ascribe a morality to any sort of news. That never ends well for anyone. So...news, everybody! After several months of quiet, in which the City Council declared that the whole "portals that seem to bring people from other worlds and times and realities" debacle was "over and done with" and "not a thing we'll ever have to worry about again" and "please stop asking, seriously, nobody's seen a portal in ages and also there were never any portals, what are you talking about, who are you", it seems that they have issued a retraction.

As it turns out, the portals very much do still exist and are spitting out more people and we once again have to acknowledge that they are a thing. City Council is grumbling and muttering indignantly to themselves about how maybe stupid portals should have gone away and stopped making a nuisance of themselves. They are also shooting looks at any portals they do see and making passive aggressive comments. So, business as usual.

To our new residents, welcome. Sure, you've been brought here not of your own volition by some sort of unknowable and awful tear in the space time continuum, ripped from your lives and taken to a place you never chose to come to. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Who doesn't like a vacation? In this case a vacation being a most likely permanent relocation to a new world. I'm Cecil Palmer, voice of Night Vale Community Radio. And, as always, there are some announcements, as well as general community updates.

City Council would, once again, like to remind everyone that the Dog Park on the corner of Earl and Somerset is strictly forbidden on account of being a gateway to a horrible desert otherworld. Do not go there. Definitely do not take your dog there. And, for the love of something, stop sleepwalking there. You know who you are. The Dog Park probably will not harm you.

The Hooded Figures that you may see around town, who definitely don't steal children any more, are mostly harmless, though it is still best not to talk to them, look at them, acknowledge them, or think too long about them.

The Night Vale Public Library has, once again, burned down. And, once again, rebuilt itself. It does still, unfortunately, contain librarians. Please stop burning down the library. We have established this does not work and just angers the librarians. While arson is not, technically, illegal, it is still frowned upon. Again, you know who you are.

There is a strange forest on the outskirts of town that I keep being told is completely harmless and was created with magic, but it's still good to be mindful, given this town's history with forests. Please be careful when entering that forest and by no means enter the other strange forest on the outskirts of town. That one does turn people into trees. They are easy to tell apart given one takes over people who wander into it and one doesn't.

You may encounter tall winged beings, all named Erika, who claim to be angels. That is because they are, in fact, angels. Please remember that certain legal decisions mean that we can openly acknowledge their existence without threat of reeducation. One of the angels is frequently nude, and we are very, very sorry.

After almost seven years, the ban on wheat and wheat by-products has been lifted. In a statement issued from the bushes outside of the Arby's, a spokesperson for City Council said that this decision came about because "everything will probably kill us eventually in some way or another, so really why should we even bother. Just give in to entropy." This does mean that Big Rico's Pizza will once again be serving pizza.

Homecoming is next week for the Night Vale Scorpions. They will be playing the Red Mesa Ant Carpenters. Head Coach Lutrice Beaumont plans to continue her current strategy of winning all the time and allowing team captain, Junius Duncan, to just throw the ball in whatever direction he wants. As always with Homecoming, please stick around for halftime, when you can see the spirits of all of your deceased loved ones.

The Greater Night Vale Scientific Community says that the reemergence of the portals is "interesting" and that they are "definitely interested" in them. They plan to do plenty of science to try and figure out what's going on there. Night Vale's lead scientist, Carlos, who is perfect and wonderful and also my husband, could not be reached for comment because he got caught up in an experiment and forgot to come home for dinner. Which is fine because I support his work. It is slightly disappointing, given it's Taco Tuesday and we were going to watch The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, but definitely fine. Carlos should know there are leftovers in the fridge and to please remember to eat later.

The housing development outside the Barista district was established to house those displaced from their own realities and continues to be made available to those who need a place to live. If you need directions, just follow the shrieking.

And lastly, Intern Tanya perished tragically in an altercation with the vending machine on the fifth floor. To the family of Intern Tanya, she was a good intern and will be missed. On an unrelated note, there are openings for interns at Night Vale Public Radio. If you have an interest in media, please apply today.

That is all for now. Thank you, citizens of Night Vale. And welcome, new citizens of Night Vale. This has once again been Cecil Palmer. Good night, Night Vale. Good night.


I think my Google Maps is broken.

Mar. 7th, 2019


So this is new.

Jan. 29th, 2019


who: Grant Ward & Juno Steel.
what: Practice makes perfect. And that matters most in relearning to shoot straight.
when: After this
where: Nightvale NRA Gun Range
warnings: TBD
status: In Progress

Even in HYDRA, the degree to which the individuals had desired wanton damage, chaos, and death was lower than it was with these people. )

Jan. 27th, 2019


I don't think I realized just how tired I was until I actually got a chance to rest.

Things had been so hectic back in Hyperion. The break is something of a relief...even if it came about in a weird way.

I miss Rita I hope she's okay

I'm glad you're here.

Feel like a trip to the shooting range?

Jan. 12th, 2019


accidental voice post.

( the voice that comes over the network is smooth but with an edge, the sort of voice you expect to hear narrating an old school noir detective film. he also doesn't seem to be aware that he's broadcasting. )

No. No no no. This can't be real. Get it together, Steel. This is just in your head. Residual radiation poisoning or you've finally cracked.

( a pause and a quiet, bitter laugh )

Guess it was just a matter of time after all...

Sep. 11th, 2018


I wasn't expecting pearly gates or St. Peter, but I was kind of hoping that the afterlife would be a bit more...not what I've found myself in.


Sweet Christmas.

Aug. 28th, 2018


Well. This is new.

Jul. 16th, 2018


All right. This is clearly something we need here.

My name is Laurel, and I'm setting up a support group for people who have shown up here having died in their own realities. I know that it can be pretty traumatic and it would probably help to have other people who understand the position that you're in. This is weird and unsettling for all of us, but maybe it can help.

We'll get together at the Moonlight All Night Diner on Wednesdays, unless that ends up being too small a space, in which case we'll work something else out.

It's not exactly a club, but it's something.

Jul. 15th, 2018


I am so over being kidnapped to weird places.


Descensus in cuniculi cavum.

This is certainly something.

Jul. 12th, 2018


From one nightmare to the next. If this is the end, I don't buy it.

I don't really care about the why, but I would like to know if anyone out there is working on getting everyone back home. Or what's left of it


So this is dying.

Gotta admit, this isn't what I expected. No pearly gates, no granddad. I guess it could be worse.

Jul. 4th, 2018


Give me liberty, or give me death, we say in the words attributed to men who often confused liberty with the freedom to engage in the role of oppressor. The void considers our ultimatum and grants us oblivion.

Welcome to Night Vale.

Citizens of Night Vale, and listeners of Night Vale Public Radio, this is Cecil Palmer, coming to you in a slightly different format this evening. This really is an exciting development. Night Vale has launched the entire net. Now, as you all know, I am something of a ludite, but my husband, Carlos, who is perfect and handsome and brilliant, has assured me that it is almost entirely safe. To the degree that anything is safe. Which, as well all know, is not at all.

I am using this method to reach out to you all because of some exciting news. Portals have begun appearing around our beautiful desert city, spitting out people from other worlds. While we have not ruled out some strange form of viral marketing for the Outback Steakhouse, we think this may in fact be more serious. Or, perhaps, it is simply a product of the revelry that marks our nation's independence from imperial rule and our descent into our own horrifying imperialism.

In any case, we welcome our new visitors-slash-potential citizens. Sure, you may be trapped here, with no way to return to the place where you came from, until such a time that the indifferent universe sees fit to send you there, but isn't that all of life?

Mayor Cardinal has also asked that I issue a few reminders. These, obviously, are first time reminders for our new residents.

There is a Dog Park at the corner of Earl and Somerset. Under no circumstances should you enter the Dog Park, as it is a gateway to a horrible desert otherworld. Do not look at the Dog Park and definitely do not take your dog there. The Dog Park probably will not harm you.

There are hooded figures within, and sometimes without, the Dog Park. Do not approach them, or look at them, or think too long about them. They are rarely dangerous and almost never openly steal children any more.

Do not enter the Night Vale Public Library, no matter how brave you may think you are. This year has seen a record low number of Librarian-related fatalities and we would like to keep it that way. Remember, if you see a Librarian, it is already too late.

The ban on wheat and wheat byproducts is still in effect and will remain so indefinitely. We all know why and there is no need to elaborate on reasons.

You may encounter tall winged beings, all named Erika, who claim to be angels. That is because they are and we can now acknowledge their existence, thanks to recent legal decisions. They are very friendly and helpful. One of the angels is frequently nude. We are deeply sorry.

Once again, welcome to our new residents, and good night, Night Vale. Good night.

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