February 2020




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Nov. 18th, 2019


[Liz Ortecho]
So. I might be having lunch with Max today.

Feb. 21st, 2019


text message to alucard.

screencap of this message from Buffy
✉ What just happened?
✉ What do I do?
✉ Just...what?

Aug. 28th, 2018


text messages to steve.

✉ Hey there, stranger.
✉ How are you holding up?


text messages sent separately to tanner and sat.

✉ Hank has a fucking Terminator.
✉ What the actual shit.

Aug. 4th, 2018


text messages to yasha.

✉ So Molly and I may have had a lengthy conversation last night.
✉ That we probably should have had before.
✉ I have to admit that I have no idea what I'm doing.
✉ And I may be more than a little terrified.
✉ But I promise I'm going to try not to mess things up.


text messages to yasha, using voice-to-text.

✉ I kissed Caleb.
✉ Which likely comes as no surprise to you.
✉ You always know how I feel almost before I do.
✉ Now we just need Beau to get here so you can deal with the weird thing you two have.
✉ She would be good for you.

Jul. 9th, 2018


text messages to kayden. sent from 07/07 to 07/09.

✉ So.
✉ Are you ready to maybe listen?
✉ And not shout that I'm dead and tell me to fuck off?
✉ Trust me, none of this makes any sense to me, either.
✉ And it's not like there's a gentle way of going 'Surprise. I'm not dead'.
✉ So I figured just ignoring it would be fine.
✉ And then you went spastic on me.
✉ Look. We'll figure this out.
✉ Come on, Kay. It's been days.
✉ Say something.
✉ You're scaring me.