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November 19th, 2019

[info]nowtheweather in [info]wtnvic

Hello, listeners. Or, readers, rather.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. That yearly remembrance of those days when white invaders came to a land that was not theirs and exploited the native inhabitants, taking advantage of their hospitality when they found that they were poorly equipped to survive on their own, before beginning a campaign of brutal slaughter and abuse culminating in the objectification of that native populace. To celebrate the fact that they never rightly rose up to murder the European settlers, as well as to try to forget our blood-soaked past in favor of focusing on our blood-soaked future, we celebrate with a day that is arguably meant to show our gratitude for the blessings in our life but is more honestly an exercise in gluttony that mirrors the selfish exploits of the Europeans who came to this land long ago.

Also, in your celebrating, don't forget to make your way to THE BROWN STONE SPIRE to grovel and leave offerings. THE BROWN STONE SPIRE in its malevolent power may choose to bestow a gift on you if it is pleased with your offering. At the very least, it will probably spare you. As always, THE BROWN STONE SPIRE is brought to you by Wendy's.

Also! Good news, folks. Khoshekh had another clutch of kittens a little while back and the kittens have now vanished from the apartment. This can only mean that they have gone to new homes. This is good, both because everyone deserves to have a wonderful cat in their life and also because Carlos really is very allergic and having that many cats around was making things difficult. Even all the Benedryl really wasn't helping much. If there is a small cat floating in a fixed point in space in your house or apartment, good news. You have been chosen by one of the kittens, or perhaps ancient prophecy, and are now the owner of your very own pet. Congratulations on the new addition to your home.

Thank you as always, and good night, Night Vale. Good night.

[info]aterriblespy in [info]wtnvic

who: Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin.
what: Catching up.
where: Their place.
when: Early evening.
rating: TBD. Some references to PTSD and also to sexual situations.
status: In progress.

napoleon knew that he’d been distant lately )

[info]mutanthero in [info]wtnvic

Where the fuck am I?