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April 26th, 2008

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville

Mecca's Ianto

Jack wanted to find Ianto.

Lacking a communication system, and the desire to walk all over the god damn town looking for him, Jack improvised. He climbed on top of the tallest building --the roof-- went to the edge, planted his feet shoulder width apart, and bellowed.


And kept doing it until Ianto turned up to shut him up.

[info]the_professor in [info]whoville

Lis' Doctor

The professor had taken Jack's advice and found the shop with the telescope in the window. Lots of telescopes, in fact, and it had taken him a while to figure out which one he wanted. As soon as it was dark enough, he went up to the roof of the hotel to set the thing up. He was fiddling with it and not paying too much attention to anything else.

[info]godofcanaan in [info]whoville


Cut for relevence )

Movement caught her attention, and she turned towards it, pulling herself up to her full height. "Show yourself." Her voice was deeper than the host's natural tones, faintly distorted as always - there had never been a reason to put the effort in to be rid of it.

[info]on_coming_storm in [info]whoville

Lis' Master

He left his TARDIS and started walking away from it with his hands pushed deep in his pockets. He spotted the Master - or rather a Master - in the distance, leaving another TARDIS. He narrowed his eyes just a bit, lenghtened his stride to catch up and headed straight for him.

"Have we met?" he asked, as soon as he was within speaking distance. "Never mind, it doesn't really matter. Would you care for a drink?"