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April 25th, 2008

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville

Mecca's Nine

There was no doubt in Jack's mind, after his conversation with the Master, that he was going to look for the Doctor. The one who had remade himself in the image of a soldier and dressed himself in black. There was, unfortunately, some doubt that he was going to be able to find him.

If the Doctor -that Doctor- was still here, Jack would find him. If he wasn't, Jack was just going to have to accept the fact that sometimes second chances were missed.

He told himself he was prepared for that possibility, but from the amount of relief he felt when he saw that familiar form headed toward a TARDIS, he'd been lying to himselself. He left the hotel at a jog to catch up. "Doctor!"

[info]half_human in [info]whoville


There was a good reason Jamie was stretched out on a bench in just his boxers.


His eyes were closed and he was sprawled out, soaking up the sun. His clothes were in a pile beside him.

[info]goodlittlegirl in [info]whoville

Morgyn's Evil!Master (aka Giles!Master *g*) - finished

Lucy wandered aimlessly into one of the empty office buildings on the edge of town, wondering why on earth they were there. It wasn't as if anyone actually worked here.

She ran her fingers lightly over the shiny surface of a desk, then froze, as she caught a movement from the corner of her eye.

"Is anyone there?" she asked cautiously.

[info]denied_dreams in [info]whoville


The Doctor was standing in the middle of the park, head cocked to the side and staring at an oak tree that was gradually turning into something else entirely - something glistening and silver.

"Did you know," the Doctor said, without turning to look at whoever had just approached, "I think if we gathered everyone here together, and had them think as hard as they could, all at once, about Gallifrey, we could just about raise a citadel. I can't imagine why we'd want to mind - but I think we could."