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Mar. 20th, 2008


Open to all!

The Master was sitting at one of the tables savoring a shot of whiskey as he waited for people to show up. He'd traded out of his usual politician's suit, for a longer, more closely tailored knee length jacket, and had actually lost the tie. The white rose remained pinned, of course.

Everything was set up. Tables, large enough for 4 or 5 people to sit comfortably, around the outside of the room. Food and open bar at the far wall from the doors. And still a fairly large space in the middle for dancing. It was going to be interesting to see how many people showed up, because frankly he wasn't sure what the population of the town was. He couldn't help but wonder, given the malleable and mind bending nature of the this place - if more people showed up then could really fit, would the room mysteriously seem bigger? It wasn't a completely absurd idea, here.

As predicted, there were no Doctors with red roses and black converses in sight, yet.

Feb. 14th, 2008



Sally left the library with her arms full of books. She didn't really register how dark it was now, still somewhat dazed over the whole Shakespeare business. She wandered in the general direction of the hotel, not hurrying. She could see lights up ahead, and this finally made her realise that she was wandering alone in the dark with her arms full of books. Alone in the dark wasn't a new thing, but the armfull of books wasn't very practical. If anyone did threaten her, she supposed she could throw the complete works of Oscar Wilde at them. Not that anyone necessarily would, she supposed.

She heard footsteps behind her and to her left, and turned, flashing a wide smile, but carefully separating the topmost and heaviest book just in case.

Feb. 12th, 2008



Cut for length )

She scanned through a few more shelves randomly, waiting for something to catch her eye, when she discovered a fairly recent translation of The Illiad and, recognising it, began to giggle. Then she was struck by the thought that she'd look very odd if anyone saw her randomly giggling at a book not renowned for its humour, and quickly glanced around to see if anyone had seen her. She wasn't in luck.

Jan. 20th, 2008



After getting her bearings somewhat, Sally had realised it had been a while since she slept and found herself a room to curl up in for a while. She woke in daylight, not knowing how long she'd been asleep. After a quick shower to wake herself up, she dressed and headed down to the restaurant. She hadn't noticed the robot waiters in there before, so she was a bit too startled and fascinated by them to notice much else in the restaurant and just grabbed a quick and solitary breakfast before heading out to the hotel lobby with the intention of exploring. Fresh air and a walk would be nice, as would clean clothes if she could find any.

The lobby wasn't deserted, Sally noted a few people milling around or sitting talking or reading and briefly contemplated approaching someone, but the lure of exploring for herself was stronger and she stepped outside, blinking a little at the light and trying to take in the strangeness of her surroundings. She didn't know how long she stood just outside the door, looking around, but suddenly someone else almost walked straight into the back of her. She turned, startled, and uttered a flustered apology.

"Sorry, I haven't been here long and this is the first time I've seen outside the hotel. Are you all right?"

Jan. 5th, 2008



Cut for length )

She was in a hallway, carpeted and with several doors leading off it. The few furnishings she could see didn't look particularly old-fashioned. That combined with everything else she'd seen since arriving made her think she couldn't have travelled back far. She wasn't sure whether that was good or bad, but it probably gave her a fighting chance, so long as she didn't talk to the wrong person and blow up the universe or something. Further up the corridor she glimpsed movement, and she stopped and cautiously backed against the wall, pausing to consider what to do. She'd never find out where and when she was if she didn't look, and whoever it was might be able to help, assuming she didn't say anything mad like 'Hello, I've just been sent here from the future by a statue that was really an alien, what year is this?'. She called out, grateful that her voice sounded relatively steady,

"Hello? Excuse me. I seem to be lost. Can you help me?"