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Jan. 20th, 2008



This was already one of those days he wished the Doctor were here to deal with some of the details. Namely the Doctor's favorite humans running amok. Instead, here he was, in his office, rolling his eyes as Harkness blathered about civilians interfering with his investigation.

"Civilian or not, Ms. Smith has been doing this longer you have, in her own way. She's a very old friend of our Dr. Smith's. So he'd be very distressed if anything happened to her, and if that's not enough motivation for you, I'd be very annoyed. Make use of her expertise, and get back to me when something actually interesting comes up. Understood? Oh, and word to the wise, she's not going to be impressed by your trademark smile and handshake."

Hmm, maybe he shouldn't have added that last bit. The image of Jack getting slapped for flirting, that was a good one. Well, he didn't think Jack knew that the Doctor had a long habit of charming humans into traveling with him, which Jack was just the last in a long line of. That revelation ought to give the dear Captain something to chew on for a while.

The Master leaned back in his chair, after he'd hung up. Oh, he couldn't deal with reports and phone calls today! He needed to do something to do with his hands. A puzzle to solve. Maybe the labs had had something interesting dropped on them. He opened the door to leave his office and...

Open street. Ok. Not what should be on the other side. He turned around. Street in every direction. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. No signal, which should never ever happen. So, he was minus a TARDIS or a working way to communicate with the Doctor. Ok, no need to panic. He was a genuis, and he had asked for a puzzle, after all!

He strolled along, looking for some indication of when and where he was. He kept his hands in his jacket pockets, so he could reach his laser screwdriver easily, if he needed to.

Jan. 12th, 2008



The Rani was bored, there were only so many planets you could enslave before it began to get boring. She's spent the last few hundred years doing just that before things had gone a little wrong and she'd not got away quite fast enough. Still only one regeneration in a little under 900 years was a very impressive record for a Time Lady.

Things had been different since the regeneration though, while she still loved her science it didn't fill her life quite as much as it once had, and for the firts time ever she found herself missing Gallifrey, something she was barely able to admit to herself. However being the kind of woman she was she wasn't going to dwell on that, the place was dead, and all those stuffy Time Lords dead with it, it was good thing, it made her special, unique. Well that was what she was telling herself at least.

It was time for a little adventure, she decided and thus she did something she'd never done in her long life before- closed her eyes and programmed in a set of co-ordinates completely at random. Who knew, perhaps she'd find something that would finally excite her again.

With the Tardis landed she stepped outside and looked up at hotel in front of her. "I had better not be on Earth," she muttered, frowning to herself, it was such a dull place after all.